
This page covers installating and updating temci.

System Requirements

  • Linux or macOS (see Supported Operating Systems)

  • Processor with an x86 or AMD64 architecture (although most features should work on ARM too)

Using Nix

The simplest way is to use the Nix package manager. After installing Nix, run:

nix-env -f -i

This method has the advantage that Nix downloads a suitable python3 interpreter and all packages like matplotlib that could otherwise cause problems. The Nix installation also runs all the test cases, to ensure that temci works properly on your system.

To install temci from source, run:

git clone
cd temci
nix-env -i -f .

nix-env -i -f . can also be used to update your installation after updating the git repository. For a more convenient development environment, see also Temporary Python environment with nix-shell.

Using pip3

There is also the traditional way of using pip, requiring at least Python 3.6.

temci depends on the existence of some packages that cannot be installed properly using pip and have to be installed manually:

# on debian/ubuntu/…
time python3-pandas python3-cffi python3-cairo python3-cairocffi python3-matplotlib python3-numpy python3-scipy linux-tools-`uname -r`
# on fedora
time python3-pandas python3-cffi python3-cairo python3-cairocffi python3-matplotlib python3-numpy python3-scipy perf
# on OS X (using homebrew)

The Linux packages can be installed by calling the script.

After installing these packages, temci can be installed by calling:

To use temci plugins that need super user privileges, e.g. cpu sets, install temci globally.

If there a problems with click (if you get an exception like ImportError: cannot import name 'ParameterSource'), try installing it directly from github:

pip3 install

To install temci from source, run:

git clone
cd temci
pip3 install -e

Post Installation

Run the following command after the installation to compile some binaries needed for the rusage runner or the disabling of caches:

temci setup

This requires gcc and make to be installed.

Optional Requirements

Requirements that aren’t normally needed are the following:

  • kernel-devel packages (for compiling the kernel module to disable caches)

  • pdflatex (for pdf report generation)

Temci runs perfectly fine without them if you are not using the mentioned features.

Auto Completion

Temci can generate auto completion files for bash and zsh. Add the following line to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

. `temci_completion $0`