temci report

temci report supports the statistical evaluation of benchmarking runs. It processes the output file of temci exec. This page gives an overview over the different reporters and the expected format of the input file. The creation of a new reporter is explained in Extending temci.

There a currently four different reporters:


Outputs a summary of the benchmarks on the console, the default reporter


Creates a HTML based report with many graphics


Outputs a configurable csv table


Outputs JSON as expected by the codespeed tool


Using the html2 reporter:

File format

The input file for temci report consists of list of entries per run program block:

  # Optional attributes that describe the block
      description:         Optional(Str())

      # Tags of this block
      tags:         ListOrTuple(Str())

      property_1: List(Either(Int()|Float()))

  # the run program aborted with an error
      message: Str()
      return_code': Int()
      output: Str()
      error_output: Str()

  # there was an internal error
      message: Str()

  # only the error or the internal_error block can be present
  # the recorded data is the data recorded till the error occurred

# optional property descriptions
- property_descriptions:
      property_1: long name of property_1

Common Options

These options are passed in the reporter settings block (see Settings API or directly on the command line (flags are of the schema --SETTING/--no-SETTING):

# Exclude all data sets that contain only NaNs.
exclude_invalid:         BoolOrNone()
            default: true

# Properties that aren't shown in the report.
excluded_properties:         ListOrTuple(Str())
            default: [__ov-time]

# Files that contain the benchmarking results
in:         Either(Str()|ListOrTuple(Str()))
            default: run_output.yaml

# List of included run blocks (all: include all), identified by their description
# or tag attribute, can be regular expressions
included_blocks:         ListOrTuple(Str())
            default: [all]

# Replace the property names in reports with longer more descriptive versions?
long_properties:         BoolOrNone()

# Possible reporter are 'console', 'html2', 'csv' and 'codespeed'
reporter:         ExactEither('console'|'html2'|'csv'|'codespeed')
            default: console

# Produce xkcd like plots (requires the humor sans font to be installed)
xkcd_like_plots:         BoolOrNone()

Furthermore the formatting of numbers can be partially configured using the settings file block described in temci format.

The statistical evaluation and the used properties can be configured via the stats settings block or with the unprefixed options of the same names:

# Properties to use for reporting and null hypothesis tests,
# can be regular expressions
properties:         ListOrTuple(Str())
            default: [all]

# Possible testers are 't', 'ks' and 'anderson'
tester:         ExactEither('t'|'ks'|'anderson')
            default: t

# Range of p values that allow no conclusion.
uncertainty_range:         Tuple(float, float)
            default: [0.05, 0.15]


A simple reporter that just outputs a basic analysis of the benchmarks on the command line. It works for large result files and can compute pair-wise statistical tests.

This reporter is either configured via the report/console_misc settings block or via the command line options of the same name (prefixed with console_):

# Matches the baseline block
baseline: ''

# Position of the baseline comparison:
# 'each': after each block
# 'after': after each cluster
# 'both': after each and after cluster
# 'instead': instead of the non baselined
baseline_position: each

# 'auto': report clusters (runs with the same description)
#         and singles (clusters with a single entry, combined) separately
# 'single': report all clusters together as one
# 'cluster': report all clusters separately
# 'both': append the output of 'cluster' to the output of 'single'
mode: auto

# Output file name or `-` (stdout)
out: '-'

# Report on the failing blocks
report_errors: true

# Print statistical tests for every property for every two programs
with_tester_results: true

Output for a simple benchmark (with --properties utime):

Report for single runs
sleep 0.5            (    2 single benchmarks)
     utime mean =        1.(211)m, deviation =   33.27828%

sleep 1              (    2 single benchmarks)
     utime mean =        1.(172)m, deviation =   29.91891%

Equal program blocks
     sleep 0.5  ⟷  sleep 1
         utime confidence =        95%, speed up =      3.26%

Or using sleep 0.5 as a baseline (--console_baseline "sleep 0.5"):

Report for single runs
sleep 0.5            (    5 single benchmarks)
     utime mean =      (1).(661)m, deviation =   18.91399%

sleep 1              (    5 single benchmarks)
     utime mean =      (1).(138)m, deviation =   37.83985%

sleep 1              (    5) with baseline sleep 1              (    5)
     utime mean =     (68).(554)%, confidence =    9%, dev =   37.83985%,   18.91399%
geometric mean of relative mean =         68.554%

Uncertain program blocks
     sleep 0.5  ⟷   sleep 1
         utime confidence =    9%, speed up =     31.45%

The sample run_output.yaml was created via temci short exec 'sleep 0.5' 'sleep 1' --runs 5 --runner rusage:

- attributes:
    description: sleep 0.5
    utime: [0.00145, 0.001275, 0.001518, 0.002089, 0.001971]
    # …
- attributes:
    description: sleep 1
    utime: [0.00174, 0.000736, 0.001581, 0.00085, 0.000785]


Creates a report with many graphics (box-plots and bar-graphs) and tables that can be exported to TeX. The produced HTML page also contains many explanations. Viewing it requires an internet connection.

Output for the simple benchmark from above (with --properties utime --properties maxrss):

All images and tables are statically generated, this results in a large HTML file with many ressources. It is therefore not recommended to use this reporter with a large number of benchmarking results (benchmarked programs and properties). Rule of thumb: Only use it to analyse results comparing less than eight programs.

This reporter is either configured via the report/html2_misc settings block or via the command line options of the same name (prefixed with html2_)

# Alpha value for confidence intervals
alpha: 0.05

# Height per run block for the big comparison box plots
boxplot_height: 2.0

# Width of all big plotted figures
fig_width_big: 25.0

# Width of all small plotted figures
fig_width_small: 15.0

# Format string used to format floats
float_format: '{:5.2e}'

# Override the contents of the output directory if it already exists?
force_override: false

# Generate pdf versions of the plotted figures?
gen_pdf: false

# Generate simple latex versions of the plotted figures?
gen_tex: true

# Generate excel files for all tables
gen_xls: false

# Name of the HTML file
html_filename: report.html

# Show the mean related values in the big comparison table
mean_in_comparison_tables: true

# Show the mininmum related values in the big comparison table
min_in_comparison_tables: false

# Output directory
out: report

# Format string used to format floats as percentages
percent_format: '{:5.2%}'

# Show zoomed out (x min = 0) figures in the extended summaries?
show_zoomed_out: false


A reporter that outputs the configurable csv table with rows for each run block. It can be used to access the benchmarking result for further processing in other tools without using temci as a library or creating a new reporter (see Extending temci).

This reporter is either configured via the report/csv_misc settings block or via the command line options of the same name (prefixed with csv_):

# List of valid column specs
# format is a comma separated list of 'PROPERTY[mod]' or 'ATTRIBUTE'
# mod is one of: mean, stddev, property, min, max and stddev per mean
# optionally a formatting option can be given via PROPERTY[mod|OPT1OPT2…]
# where the OPTs are one of the following:
#        % (format as percentage)
#        p (wrap insignificant digits in parentheses (+- 2 std dev))
#        s (use scientific notation, configured in report/number) and
#        o (wrap digits in the order of magnitude of 2 std devs in parentheses).
# PROPERTY can be either the description or the short version of the property.
# Configure the number formatting further via the number settings in the settings file
columns: [description]

# Output file name or standard out (-)
out: '-'

Output for a simple benchmark (with --csv_columns "utime[mean|p],utime[stddev],utime[max]", see Console <temci_report.html#Console>):



Reporter that outputs JSON as expected by codespeed. Branch name and commit ID are taken from the current directory. Use it like this:

temci report --reporter codespeed ... \
   | curl --data-urlencode json@- http://localhost:8000/result/add/json/

This reporter is either configured via the report/codespeed_misc settings block or via the command line options of the same name (prefixed with codespeed_):

# Branch name reported to codespeed. Defaults to current branch or else 'master'.
branch: ''

# Commit ID reported to codespeed. Defaults to current commit.
commit_id: ''

# Environment name reported to codespeed. Defaults to current host name.
environment: ''

# Executable name reported to codespeed. Defaults to the project name.
executable: ''

# Project name reported to codespeed.
project: ''

Output for a simple benchmark (with --properties utime, see Console <#Console>):

      "benchmark":"sleep 0.5: utime",
      "benchmark":"sleep 1: utime",