Source code for

Contains the tester base class and several simple implementations
that simplify the work with statistical hypothesis tests.

import warnings
import temci.utils.util as util
import typing as t
if util.can_import("scipy"):
    import scipy.stats as st
    import scipy.optimize as opti
    import numpy as np
from temci.utils.typecheck import *
from temci.utils.registry import AbstractRegistry, register
import logging

Number = t.Union[int, float]

[docs]class TesterRegistry(AbstractRegistry): settings_key_path = "stats" use_key = "tester" use_list = False default = "t" registry = {} plugin_synonym = ("tester", "testers")
[docs]class Tester(object, metaclass=util.Singleton): """ A tester tests the probability of the nullh ypothesis of two same length list of observations. This is a base class that shouldn't be instantiated. """ scipy_stat_method = None # type: t.Optional[str] """ Used method of the scipy.stats module if the _test_impl isn't reimplemented """ name = "" """ Name of the implemented statistical test """ def __init__(self, misc_settings: dict, uncertainty_range: t.Tuple[float, float]): """ Creates a new instance. :param misc_settings: Additional settings :param uncertainty_range: (start, end) probability tuple that gives range in which the tester doesn't give a definitive result on the nullhypothesis check """ self.uncertainty_range = uncertainty_range """ (start, end) probability tuple that gives range in which the tester doesn't give a definitive result on the nullhypothesis check """ assert isinstance(uncertainty_range, Tuple(Float(), Float())) self.misc_settings = misc_settings """ Additional settings """
[docs] def test(self, data1: t.List[Number], data2: t.List[Number]) -> float: """ Calculates the probability of the null hypotheses for two samples. """ res = 0 min_len = min(len(data1), len(data2)) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: res = self._test_impl(data1[0:min_len], data2[0: min_len]) return res
def _test_impl(self, data1: t.List[Number], data2: t.List[Number]) -> float: """ Calculates the probability of the null hypotheses for two equal sized samples. """ assert self.scipy_stat_method return getattr(st, self.scipy_stat_method)(data1, data2)[-1]
[docs] def is_uncertain(self, data1: t.List[Number], data2: t.List[Number]) -> bool: """ Does the probability of the null hypothesis for two samples lie in the uncertainty range? """ val = self.test(data1, data2) return min(len(data1), len(data2)) == 0 or \ self.uncertainty_range[0] <= val <= self.uncertainty_range[1] or \ val != val
[docs] def is_equal(self, data1: t.List[Number], data2: t.List[Number]) -> bool: """ Are the two samples not significantly unequal regarding the probability of the null hypothesis? """ return self.test(data1, data2) > max(*self.uncertainty_range)
[docs] def is_unequal(self, data1: t.List[Number], data2: t.List[Number]) -> bool: """ Are the two samples significantly unequal regarding the probability of the null hypothesis? """ return self.test(data1, data2) < min(*self.uncertainty_range)
[docs] def estimate_needed_runs(self, data1: list, data2: list, run_bin_size: int, min_runs: int, max_runs: int) -> int: """ Calculate a approximation of the needed length of both observations that is needed for the p value to lie outside the uncertainty range. It uses the simple observation that the graph of the p value plotted against the size of the sets has a exponential, logarithmic or root shape. :warning: Doesn't work well. :param data1: list of observations :param data2: list of observations :param run_bin_size: granularity of the observation (> 0) :param min_runs: minimum number of allowed runs :param max_runs: maximum number of allowed runs :return: approximation of needed runs or float("inf") """ #print("###", max_runs) if data1 == data2: #logging.error("equal") return min_runs min_len = min(len(data1), len(data2)) #print("##", max_runs) if min_len <= 5: return max_runs x_space = np.linspace(0, min_len - 2, min_len - 2) yn = [self.test(data1[0:i], data2[0:i]) for i in range(2, min_len)] def interpolate(func, name: str): try: popt, pcov = opti.curve_fit(func, x_space, yn, maxfev=10000) for i in range(min_len, max_runs + 1, run_bin_size): ith = func(i, *popt) if ith > max(self.uncertainty_range) or ith < min(self.uncertainty_range): #print("i = ", i) return i return max_runs except (TypeError, RuntimeWarning, RuntimeError) as err:"Interpolating {} with {} data points gave " "following error: {}".format(name, min_len, str(err))) return float("inf") funcs = [ (lambda x, a, b, c: a * np.exp(-b * x) + c, "exponential function") ] res = 0 with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: res = min(interpolate(*f) for f in funcs) return res
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return isinstance(other, type(self))
[docs]@register(TesterRegistry, name="t", misc_type=Dict()) class TTester(Tester): """ Tester that uses the student's t test. """ scipy_stat_method = "ttest_ind" name = "t"
[docs]@register(TesterRegistry, name="ks", misc_type=Dict()) class KSTester(Tester): """ Tester that uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic on 2 samples. """ scipy_stat_method = "ks_2samp" name = "kolmogorov smirnov"
[docs]@register(TesterRegistry, name="anderson", misc_type=Dict()) class AndersonTester(Tester): """ Tester that uses the Anderson statistic on 2 samples. """ scipy_stat_method = "anderson_ksamp" name = "anderson" def _test_impl(self, data1: t.List[Number], data2: t.List[Number]) -> float: return max(st.anderson_ksamp([data1, data2])[-1], 1)