Source code for

import logging
import multiprocessing
import re
import shutil
import subprocess, os, time
from temci.utils.settings import Settings, SettingsError
from temci.utils.util import has_root_privileges
from temci.utils.typecheck import *
import typing as t

CPUSET_DIR = '/cpuset'  # type: str
""" Location that the cpu set pseudo file system is mounted at """
NEW_ROOT_SET = 'bench.root'  # type: str
""" Name of the new root cpu set that contains most of the processes of the original root set """
BENCH_SET = 'temci.set'  # type: str
""" Name of the base cpu set used by temci for benchmarking purposes """
CONTROLLER_SUB_BENCH_SET = 'temci.set.controller'  # type: str
""" Name of the cpu set used by the temci control process """
SUB_BENCH_SET = 'temci.set.{}'  # type: str
""" Format of cpu sub set names for benchmarking """

[docs]class CPUSet: """ This class allows the usage of cpusets (see `man cpuset`) and therefore requires root privileges. It uses the program cset to modify the cpusets. This class needs root privileges to operate properly. Warns if not. """ def __init__(self, active: bool = True, base_core_number: int = None, parallel: int = None, sub_core_number: int = None, temci_in_base_set: bool = True): """ Initializes the cpu sets an determines the number of parallel programs (parallel_number variable). :param active: are cpu sets actually used? :param base_core_number: number of cpu cores for the base (remaining part of the) system :param parallel: 0: benchmark sequential, > 0: benchmark parallel with n instances, -1: determine n automatically :param sub_core_number: number of cpu cores per parallel running program :param temci_in_base_set: place temci in the same cpu set as the rest of the system? :raises ValueError: if the passed parameters don't work together on the current platform :raises EnvironmentError: if the environment can't be setup properly (e.g. no root privileges) """ # self.bench_set = "bench.set" = active and has_root_privileges() # type: bool """ Are cpu sets actually used? """ self.base_core_number = Settings().default(base_core_number, "run/cpuset/base_core_number") # type: int """ Number of cpu cores for the base (remaining part of the) system """ self.parallel = Settings().default(parallel, "run/cpuset/parallel") # type: int """ 0: benchmark sequential, > 0: benchmark parallel with n instances, -1: determine n automatically """ self.sub_core_number = Settings().default(sub_core_number, "run/cpuset/sub_core_number") # type: int """ Number of cpu cores per parallel running program """ self.av_cores = len(self._cpus_of_set("")) if active else multiprocessing.cpu_count() # type: int """ Number of available cpu cores """ self.parallel_number = 0 # type: int """ Number of used parallel instances, zero if the benchmarking is done sequentially """ self.temci_in_base_set = Settings().default(temci_in_base_set, "run/cpuset/temci_in_base_set") """ Place temci in the same cpu set as the rest of the system? """ if self.parallel != 0: if self.parallel == -1: self.parallel_number = self._number_of_parallel_sets(self.base_core_number, True, self.sub_core_number) else: self.parallel_number = self.parallel if self.parallel > self._number_of_parallel_sets(self.base_core_number, True, self.sub_core_number) \ and raise ValueError("Invalid values for base_core_number and sub_core_number " "on system with just {} cores. Note: The benchmark controller " "needs a cpuset too.".format(self.av_cores)) self.base_core_number = self.av_cores - self.sub_core_number * self.parallel_number - 1 if not if active and not has_root_privileges(): logging.warning("CPUSet functionality is disabled because root privileges are missing.") return"Initialize CPUSet") typecheck(self.base_core_number, PositiveInt()) typecheck(self.parallel_number, NaturalNumber()) self.own_sets = [SUB_BENCH_SET.format(i) for i in range(0, self.parallel_number)] \ + [CONTROLLER_SUB_BENCH_SET, NEW_ROOT_SET, BENCH_SET] try: self._init_cpuset() except BaseException: logging.error("Forced teardown of CPUSet") self.teardown() raise"Finished initializing CPUSet")
[docs] def move_process_to_set(self, pid: int, set_id: int): """ Moves the process with the passed id to the parallel sub cpuset with the passed id. :param pid: passed process id :param set_id: passed parallel sub cpuset id """ if not return try: typecheck(pid, Int()) typecheck(set_id, Int(range=range(0, self.parallel_number))) self._move_process_to_set(SUB_BENCH_SET.format(set_id), pid) except BaseException: logging.error("Forced teardown of CPUSet") self.teardown() raise
[docs] def get_sub_set(self, set_id: int) -> str: """ Gets the name of the benchmarking cpu set with the given id / number (starting at zero). """ if self.parallel == 0: return CONTROLLER_SUB_BENCH_SET if typecheck(set_id, Int(range=range(0, self.parallel_number))) return SUB_BENCH_SET.format(set_id)
[docs] def teardown(self): """ Tears the created cpusets down and makes the system usable again. """ if not return for set in self.own_sets: try: self._delete_set(set) except EnvironmentError as ex: pass # logging.error(str(ex)) except BaseException: raise
def _number_of_parallel_sets(self, base_core_number: int, parallel: bool, sub_core_number: int) -> int: """ Calculates the number of possible parallel sets. """ typecheck([base_core_number, parallel, sub_core_number], List(Int())) if base_core_number + (0 if self.temci_in_base_set else 1) + sub_core_number > self.av_cores and raise ValueError("Invalid values for base_core_number and sub_core_number " "on system with just {} cores.{}".format(self.av_cores, "" if self.temci_in_base_set else "Note: temci needs a cpuset too.")) av_cores_for_par = self.av_cores - base_core_number - (0 if self.temci_in_base_set else 1) if parallel: return av_cores_for_par // sub_core_number return 1 def _init_cpuset(self): """ Mounts the cpuset pseudo filesystem at ``CPUSET_DIR`` and creates the necessary cpusets. """ if not os.path.exists(CPUSET_DIR + "/cgroup.procs"): if not os.path.exists(CPUSET_DIR): os.mkdir(CPUSET_DIR) proc = subprocess.Popen(["bash", "-c", "mount -t cpuset none /cpuset/"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.poll() > 0: raise EnvironmentError( "Cannot mount /cpuset. " + "Probably you're not in root mode or you've already mounted cpuset elsewhere.", str(err)) self._create_cpuset(NEW_ROOT_SET, self._get_av_cpus()[0: self.base_core_number])"Move all processes to new root cpuset") self._move_all_to_new_root() if self.parallel == 0: # just use all available cores, as the benchmarked program also runs in it self._create_cpuset(CONTROLLER_SUB_BENCH_SET, self._get_av_cpus()[self.base_core_number:self.av_cores]) else: self._create_cpuset(CONTROLLER_SUB_BENCH_SET, self._get_av_cpus()[self.base_core_number:1]) self._move_process_to_set(NEW_ROOT_SET if self.temci_in_base_set else CONTROLLER_SUB_BENCH_SET) for i in range(0, self.parallel_number): start = self.base_core_number + (0 if self.temci_in_base_set else 1) + (i * self.sub_core_number) self._create_cpuset(SUB_BENCH_SET.format(i), self._get_av_cpus()[start:start + self.sub_core_number]) def _cpus_of_set(self, name: str) -> t.Optional[t.List[int]]: """ Gets all cpu cores that are assigned to the set with the passed name. """ name = self._relname(name) if self._has_set(name): res = self._cset("set {}".format(name)) arr = res.split("\n")[3].strip().split(" ") arr = [x for x in arr if x != ""] if "-" in arr[1]: start, end = map(int, arr[1].split("-")) return list(range(start, end + 1)) elif "," in arr[1]: return list(map(int, arr[1].split(","))) else: return int(arr[1]) return None def _get_av_cpus(self) -> t.List[int]: """ Gets the number of available cpu cores """ return self._cpus_of_set("") def _ints_to_str(self, ints: t.List[int]) -> str: """ Turns a list of integers comma separated into a string """ return ",".join(map(str, ints)) def _has_set(self, name: str): """ Does the set with the given name exist? """ name = self._relname(name) return name + " " in self._cset("set -rl") def _delete_set(self, name: str): """ Delete the set with the given name """ self._cset("set -r --force -d %s" % NEW_ROOT_SET) def _move_all_to_new_root(self, name: str = 'root', _count: int = 100): """ Move all process from the root cpu set into the ``NEW_ROOT_SET`` :param name: name of the root cpu set :param _count: maximum cpu set tree depth """ cpus = self._get_av_cpus()[0:self.base_core_number] self._set_cpu_affinity_of_set(name, cpus) if _count > 0: for child in self._child_sets(name): if len(child) > 1: # print("moved from {child} to {root}".format(child=child, root=NEW_ROOT_SET)) try: self._move_all_to_new_root(child, _count - 1) except EnvironmentError as err: pass # logging.warning(str(err)) self._move_processes(name, NEW_ROOT_SET) # if _count == 100: # self._cset("proc --move -k --force --threads --pid=0-100000 --toset={}".format(NEW_ROOT_SET)) def _move_processes(self, from_set: str, to_set: str): """ Move all processes from the first to the second cpuset. Only some kernel threads are left behind. :param from_set: name of the first cpuset :param to_set: name of the second cpuset """ from_set, to_set = (self._relname(from_set), self._relname(to_set)) self._cset("proc --move --kthread --force --threads --fromset %s --toset %s" % (from_set, to_set)) def _move_process_to_set(self, cpuset: str, pid: int = os.getpid()): """ Move the process with the given id into the passed cpu set. :param cpuset: name of the passed cpu set :param pid: id of the process to move, default is the own process """ self._cset("proc --move --force --pid %d --threads %s" % (pid, cpuset)) def _absname(self, relname: str): """ Get the absolute set name for the given relative """ if "/" in relname: return relname res = self._cset("set %s" % relname) arr = res.split("\n")[-1].strip().split(" ") arr = [x for x in arr if x != ""] return arr[7] def _relname(self, absname: str): """ Get the realtive set name for the given absolute """ if not "/" in absname: return absname return absname.split("/")[-1] def _child_sets(self, name: str) -> t.List[str]: """ Get the list of child set for the set with the given name """ name = self._relname(name) res = self._cset("set %s" % name) arr = [] for line in res.split("\n")[4:]: line = line.strip() arr.append(line.split(" ")[0]) return arr def _create_cpuset(self, name: str, cpus: t.List[int]): """ Create the cpuset with the given name and assign the given cpu cores to it """ typecheck(cpus, List(Int())) cpu_range = self._ints_to_str(cpus) path = [] for part in name.split("/"): path.append(part) self._cset("set --cpu {} {} ".format(cpu_range, "/".join(path))) def _set_cpu_affinity_of_set(self, set: str, cpus: t.List[int]): """ Set the cpu affinity for all processes that belong to the given set """ if set == "root": set = "" app = "cgroup.procs" if set == "" else set + "/cgroup.procs" with open(os.path.join(CPUSET_DIR + "/" + app), "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): try: self._set_cpu_affinity(int(line.strip()), cpus) #"success {}".format(line)) except EnvironmentError as err: pass # logging.error(str(err)) def _set_cpu_affinity(self, pid: int, cpus: t.List[int]): """ Set the cpu affinity for the given process to the given cpu cores """ cmd = "taskset --all-tasks --cpu-list -p {} {}; nice".format(self._ints_to_str(cpus), pid) proc = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/sh", "-c", cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.poll() > 0: raise EnvironmentError( "taskset error (cmd = '{}'): ".format(cmd) + str(err) + str(out) ) return str(out) def _cset(self, argument: str): """ Execute the passed argument with the cset tool. :param passed argument for the tool :return: output of executing the combined command :raises EnvironmentError: if something goes wrong """ # cmd = ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sudo cset {}".format(argument)] cmd = ["/bin/sh", "-c", "python3 -c 'import cpuset.main; print(cpuset.main.main())' " + argument] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.poll() > 0: raise EnvironmentError( "Error with cset tool. " " More specific error (cmd = 'cset {}'): ".format(argument) + str(err) + str(out) ) return str(out)