Source code for

This module consists of the abstract run worker pool class and several implementations.
import re

import time

import humanfriendly

from temci.utils.util import has_root_privileges, parse_timespan
from ..utils.typecheck import *
from ..utils.settings import Settings
from .run_driver import RunProgramBlock, BenchmarkingResultBlock, AbstractRunDriver, RunDriverRegistry
from queue import Queue, Empty
from .cpuset import CPUSet
import logging, threading, subprocess, shlex, os, tempfile
import typing as t

ResultGenerator = t.Iterator[t.Tuple[RunProgramBlock, BenchmarkingResultBlock, int]]
""" Return type of the run worker pool ``results`` method """

[docs]class AbstractRunWorkerPool: """ An abstract run worker pool that just deals with the hyper threading setting. """ def __init__(self, run_driver_name: str = None, end_time: float = -1): """ Create an instance. :param run_driver_name: name of the used run driver, if None the one configured in the settings is used """ self.submit_queue = Queue() # type: Queue """ Queue for submitted but not benchmarked run program blocks """ self.result_queue = Queue() # type: Queue """ Queue of benchmarking results. The queue items are tuples consisting of the benchmarked block, the benchmarking result and the blocks id. """ self.parallel_number = 1 # type: int """ Number of instances in which the benchmarks takes place in parallel """ run_driver_name = run_driver_name or RunDriverRegistry.get_used() self.run_driver = RunDriverRegistry().get_for_name(run_driver_name) # type: AbstractRunDriver """ Used run driver instance """ self.cpuset = None # type: CPUSet """ Used cpu set instance """ self.end_time = end_time self._disabled_ht_cores = [] # type: t.List[int] if Settings()["run/disable_hyper_threading"]: if not has_root_privileges(): logging.warning("Can't disable hyper threading as root privileges are missing") return #if Settings()["run/cpuset/active"]: # logging.warning("Currently disabling hyper threading doesn't work well in combination with cpusets") # return self._disabled_ht_cores = self.disable_hyper_threading()
[docs] def submit(self, block: RunProgramBlock, id: int, runs: int): """ Submits the passed block for "runs" times benchmarking. It also sets the blocks is_enqueued property to True. :param block: passed run program block :param id: id of the passed block :param runs: number of individual benchmarking runs """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def results(self, expected_num: int) \ -> ResultGenerator: """ A generator for all available benchmarking results. The items of this generator are tuples consisting of the benchmarked block, the benchmarking result and the blocks id. :param expected_num: expected number of results """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def teardown(self): """ Tears down the inherited run driver. This should be called if all benchmarking with this pool is finished. """ if Settings()["run/disable_hyper_threading"]: self.enable_hyper_threading(self._disabled_ht_cores)
[docs] def time_left(self) -> float: """ Does not work properly if self.end_time == -1 """ return max(self.end_time - time.time(), 0)
[docs] def has_time_left(self) -> bool: return self.end_time == -1 or self.time_left() > 0
[docs] @classmethod def get_hyper_threading_cores(cls) -> t.List[int]: """ Adapted from """ total_logical_cpus = 0 total_physical_cpus = 0 total_cores = 0 cpu = None logical_cpus = {} physical_cpus = {} cores = {} hyperthreading = False for line in open('/proc/cpuinfo').readlines(): if re.match('processor', line): cpu = int(line.split()[2]) if cpu not in logical_cpus: logical_cpus[cpu] = [] total_logical_cpus += 1 if re.match('physical id', line): phys_id = int(line.split()[3]) if phys_id not in physical_cpus: physical_cpus[phys_id] = [] total_physical_cpus += 1 if re.match('core id', line): core = int(line.split()[3]) if core not in cores: cores[core] = [] total_cores += 1 cores[core].append(cpu) if (total_cores * total_physical_cpus) * 2 == total_logical_cpus: hyperthreading = True ht_cores = [] # type: t.List[int] if hyperthreading: for c in cores: for p, val in enumerate(cores[c]): if p > 0: ht_cores.append(val) return ht_cores
[docs] def next_block_timeout(self) -> float: timeout = parse_timespan(Settings()["run/max_block_time"]) if not self.has_time_left(): return 0 if timeout > -1: return max(min(self.time_left() if self.end_time != -1 else timeout, timeout), 0) return -1 if self.end_time == -1 else max(self.time_left(), 0)
[docs] @classmethod def disable_hyper_threading(cls) -> t.List[int]: if has_root_privileges(): cores = cls.get_hyper_threading_cores() cls._set_status_of_ht_cores(cores, 0) return cores return []
[docs] @classmethod def enable_hyper_threading(cls, disabled_cores: t.List[int]): if has_root_privileges(): cls._set_status_of_ht_cores(disabled_cores, 1)
@classmethod def _set_status_of_ht_cores(cls, ht_cores: t.List[int], online_status: int): if len(ht_cores) == 0: return arg = "\n".join("echo {} > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{}/online" .format(online_status, core_id) for core_id in ht_cores) proc = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/sh", "-c", arg], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.poll() > 0: raise EnvironmentError("Error while disabling the hyper threaded cores: " + str(err))
[docs]class RunWorkerPool(AbstractRunWorkerPool): """ This run worker pool implements the sequential benchmarking of program blocks. """ def __init__(self, run_driver_name: str = None, end_time: float = -1): super().__init__(run_driver_name, end_time) if run_driver_name is None: run_driver_name = RunDriverRegistry().get_used() self.cpuset = CPUSet(parallel=0) if Settings()["run/cpuset/active"] else CPUSet(active=False) self.parallel_number = 1
[docs] def submit(self, block: RunProgramBlock, id: int, runs: int): typecheck(block, RunProgramBlock) typecheck(runs, NaturalNumber()) typecheck(id, NaturalNumber()) block.is_enqueued = True self.result_queue.put((block, self.run_driver.benchmark(block, runs, self.cpuset, timeout=self.next_block_timeout()), id)) block.is_enqueued = False
[docs] def results(self, expected_num: int) -> ResultGenerator: for i in range(expected_num):#while not self.result_queue.empty(): yield self.result_queue.get()
[docs] def teardown(self): super().teardown() self.run_driver.teardown() if self.cpuset is not None: self.cpuset.teardown()
[docs]class ParallelRunWorkerPool(AbstractRunWorkerPool): """ This run worker pool implements the parallel benchmarking of program blocks. It uses a server-client-model to benchmark on different cpu cores. """ def __init__(self, run_driver_name: str = None, end_time: float = -1): super().__init__(run_driver_name, end_time) if run_driver_name is None: run_driver_name = RunDriverRegistry().get_used() if Settings()["run/cpuset/active"]: self.cpuset = CPUSet() else: self.cpuset = CPUSet(active=False) #raise ValueError("Only works with run/cpuset/active=True") self.parallel_number = self.cpuset.parallel_number"Using {} parallel processes to benchmark.".format(self.parallel_number)) self.threads = [] # type: t.List[BenchmarkingThread] """ Running benchmarking threads """ try: for i in range(0, self.parallel_number): thread = BenchmarkingThread(i, self, self.run_driver, self.cpuset) self.threads.append(thread) thread.start() except BaseException: logging.error("Forced teardown of ParallelRunWorkerPool") self.teardown() raise
[docs] def submit(self, block: RunProgramBlock, id: int, runs: int): if self.time_left() <= 0: return typecheck(block, RunProgramBlock) typecheck(runs, NaturalNumber()) typecheck(id, NaturalNumber()) block.is_enqueued = True self.submit_queue.put((block, id, runs))
[docs] def results(self, expected_num: int) -> ResultGenerator: #while not self.intermediate_queue.empty() or not self.submit_queue.empty() or not self.result_queue.empty(): for i in range(expected_num):#while not self.submit_queue.empty() or not self.result_queue.empty() or not self.submit_queue.all_tasks_done: yield self.result_queue.get()
[docs] def teardown(self): super().teardown() self.cpuset.teardown() self.run_driver.teardown() try: for thread in self.threads: thread.stop = True #thread.teardown() except: pass
[docs]class BenchmarkingThread(threading.Thread): """ A thread that allows parallel benchmarking. """ def __init__(self, id: int, pool: ParallelRunWorkerPool, driver: AbstractRunDriver, cpuset: CPUSet): """ Creates an instance. :param id: id of this thread :param pool: parent run worked pool :param driver: use run driver instance :param cpuset: used CPUSet instance """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.stop = False # type: bool """ Stop the run loop? """ = id # type: int """ Id of this thread """ self.pool = pool # type: ParallelRunWorkerPool """ Parent run worker pool """ self.driver = driver # type: AbstractRunDriver """ Used run driver instance """ self.cpuset = cpuset # type: CPUSet """ Used CPUSet instance """
[docs] def run(self): """ Start the run loop. It fetches run program blocks from the pool's submit queue, benchmarks them and stores the results in the pool's result queue. It stops if ``stop`` is true. """ while True: try: #time.sleep(1) (block, block_id, runs) = self.pool.submit_queue.get(timeout=1) except Empty: if self.stop: return else: continue try: self.pool.result_queue.put((block, self._process_block(block, runs), block_id)) logging.debug("Thread {set_id}: Benchmarked block {id}".format(, id=block_id)) block.is_enqueued = False self.pool.submit_queue.task_done() except BaseException: logging.error("Forced teardown of BenchmarkingThread") #self.teardown() raise
def _process_block(self, block: RunProgramBlock, runs: int) -> BenchmarkingResultBlock: return self.driver.benchmark(block, runs, self.cpuset,, timeout=self.pool.next_block_timeout())