Source code for temci.utils.click_helper

This module simplifies the creation of click options from settings and type schemes.

import logging
import traceback
import warnings

import click
from click import Context
from click.core import ParameterSource

from temci.utils.typecheck import *
from temci.utils.settings import Settings, SettingsError
from temci.utils.registry import AbstractRegistry
import typing as t

from temci.utils.typecheck import Obsolete
from temci.utils.util import sphinx_doc

[docs]def type_scheme_option(option_name: str, type_scheme: Type, is_flag: bool = False, callback = t.Callable[[click.Context, str, t.Any], t.Any], short: str = None, with_default: bool = True, default = None, validate_settings: bool = False) -> t.Callable[[t.Callable], t.Callable]: """ Is essentially a wrapper around click.option that works with type schemes. :param option_name: name of the option :param type_scheme: type scheme to use :param is_flag: is this option a "--ABC/--no-ABC" like flag :param callback: callback that is called with the parameter and the argument and has to returns its argument :param short: short name of the option (ignored if flag=True) :param with_default: set a default value for the option if possible? :param default: default value (if with_default is true), default: default value of the type scheme :param validate_settings: call Settings().validate() in the callback """ if isinstance(type_scheme, Obsolete): return lambda x: x __type_scheme = type_scheme __short = short help_text = type_scheme.description has_default = with_default default_value = default if with_default and not default_value: try: default_value = type_scheme.get_default() except ValueError: has_default = False def raw_type(_type): while isinstance(_type, Constraint) or isinstance(_type, NonErrorConstraint): _type = _type.constrained_type if not isinstance(_type, Type): return _type if isinstance(_type, T): return _type.native_type if isinstance(_type, Int): return int if isinstance(_type, Str): return str if isinstance(_type, ExactEither) and isinstance(_type.exp_values, List(T(type(_type.exp_values[0])))): return _type.exp_values[0] else: raise ValueError("type scheme {} (option {}) is not annotatable".format(str(type_scheme), option_name)) def func(decorated_func): used_raw_type = None multiple = False type_scheme = __type_scheme _type_scheme = type_scheme while isinstance(type_scheme, Either): type_scheme = type_scheme.types[0] while isinstance(type_scheme, Constraint) or isinstance(type_scheme, NonErrorConstraint): type_scheme = type_scheme.constrained_type if isinstance(type_scheme, List) or isinstance(type_scheme, ListOrTuple): multiple = True type_scheme = type_scheme.elem_type if isinstance(type_scheme, click.ParamType): used_raw_type = type_scheme elif isinstance(type_scheme, ExactEither): used_raw_type = click.Choice(type_scheme.exp_values) elif isinstance(type_scheme, Exact): used_raw_type = click.Choice(type_scheme.exp_value) elif isinstance(type_scheme, Tuple): used_raw_type = tuple([raw_type(x) for x in type_scheme.elem_types]) elif isinstance(type_scheme, Any): used_raw_type = object elif isinstance(type_scheme, T): used_raw_type = type_scheme.native_type elif isinstance(type_scheme, Str): used_raw_type = str else: used_raw_type = raw_type(type_scheme) option_args = { "type": used_raw_type, "callback": None, "multiple": multiple } if has_default: option_args["default"] = default_value option_args["show_default"] = True #else: # option_args["show_default"] = False if not isinstance(option_args["type"], click.ParamType): option_args["callback"] = validate(_type_scheme) if not isinstance(option_args["type"], Either(T(tuple), T(str))): option_args["type"] = raw_type(option_args["type"]) if callback is not None: if option_args["callback"] is None: option_args["callback"] = lambda ctx, param, value: callback(ctx, param, value) else: old_callback = option_args["callback"] option_args["callback"] = lambda ctx, param, value: callback(ctx, param, old_callback(ctx, param, value)) if validate_settings: without_check = option_args["callback"] option_args["callback"] = lambda ctx, param, value: Settings().validate() or without_check(ctx, param, value) if is_flag: option_args["is_flag"] = True #print(type(option_args["callback"]), option_name, type_scheme) opt = None if help_text is not None: typecheck(help_text, Str()) option_args["help"] = help_text if is_flag: del(option_args["type"]) opt = click.option("--{name}/--no-{name}".format(name=option_name), **option_args)(decorated_func) if __short is not None: opt = click.option("--{}".format(option_name), "-" + __short, **option_args)(decorated_func) else: opt = click.option("--{}".format(option_name), **option_args)(decorated_func) return opt #print(type(f())) return func
[docs]def validate(type_scheme: Type) -> t.Callable[[click.Context, str, t.Any], t.Any]: """ Creates a valid click option validator function that can be passed to click via the callback parameter. The validator function expects the type of the value to be the raw type of the type scheme. :param type_scheme: type scheme the validator validates against :return: the validator function """ def func(ctx, param, value): param = param.human_readable_name param = param.replace("-", "") res = verbose_isinstance(value, type_scheme, value_name=param) if not res: raise click.BadParameter(str(res)) return value return func
[docs]class CmdOption: """ Represents a command line option. """ def __init__(self, option_name: str, settings_key: str = None, type_scheme: Type = None, short: str = None, completion_hints: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = None, is_flag: bool = None): """ Initializes a option either based on a setting (via settings key) or on a type scheme. If this is backed by a settings key, the setting is automatically set. If is_flag is None, it is set True if type_scheme is an instance of Bool() or BoolOrNone() :param option_name: name of the option :param settings_key: settings key of the option :param type_scheme: type scheme with default value :param short: short version of the option (ignored if is_flag=True) :param completion_hints: additional completion hints (dict with keys for each shell) :param is_flag: is the option a "--ABC/--no-ABC" flag like option? """ typecheck(option_name, Str()) self.option_name = option_name # type: str """ Name of this option """ self.settings_key = settings_key # type: t.Optional[str] """ Settings key of this option """ self.short = short # type: t.Optional[str] """ Short version of the option (ignored if is_flag=True) """ self.completion_hints = completion_hints # type: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]] """ Additional completion hints (dict with keys for each shell) """ if (settings_key is None) == (type_scheme is None): raise ValueError("settings_key and type_scheme are both None (or not None)") self.type_scheme = type_scheme # type: Type """ Type scheme with default value """ if not self.type_scheme: self.type_scheme = Settings().get_type_scheme(settings_key) #self.callback = lambda a, b: None #""" Callback that sets the setting """ self.callback = None # type: t.Optional[t.Callable[[click.Context, click.Option, t.Any], None]] """ Callback that sets the setting """ if type_scheme is not None and not isinstance(type_scheme, click.ParamType): self.callback = lambda a, b: None if settings_key is not None and (not isinstance(self.type_scheme, click.ParamType) or isinstance(self.type_scheme, Type)): def callback(context: Context, param: click.Option, val): try: if context.get_parameter_source( != ParameterSource.DEFAULT: Settings().set(settings_key, val, validate=False) except SettingsError as err: logging.error("Error while processing the passed value ({val}) of option {opt}: {msg}".format( val=repr(val), opt=option_name, msg=str(err) )) logging.debug("".join(traceback.format_exception(None, err, err.__traceback__))) exit(1) self.callback = callback else: self.callback = None self.description = self.type_scheme.description.strip().split("\n")[0] # type: str """ Description of this option """ self.has_description = self.description not in [None, ""] # type: bool """ Does this option has a description? """ if not self.has_description: warnings.warn("Option {} is without documentation.".format(option_name)) self.has_default = True # type: bool """ Does this option has a default value? """ self.default = None # type: t.Any """ Default value of this option """ try: self.default = self.type_scheme.get_default() except ValueError: self.has_default = False if settings_key: self.default = Settings()[settings_key] if hasattr(self.type_scheme, "completion_hints") and self.completion_hints is None: self.completion_hints = self.type_scheme.completion_hints self.is_flag = is_flag is True or (is_flag is None and type(self.type_scheme) in [Bool, BoolOrNone]) # type: bool """ Is this option flag like? """ if self.is_flag and settings_key is not None: self.completion_hints = None self.short = None def callback(context: Context, param, val): if val is not None and context.get_parameter_source( != ParameterSource.DEFAULT: try: Settings().set(settings_key, val, validate=False) except SettingsError as err: logging.error("Error while processing the passed value ({val}) of option {opt}: {msg}".format( val=val, opt=option_name, msg=str(err) )) return val self.callback = callback self.has_completion_hints = self.completion_hints is not None # type: bool """ Does this option has completion hints? """ self.has_short = short is not None # type: bool """ Does this option has a short version? """ def __lt__(self, other) -> bool: """ Compare by option_name. """ typecheck(other, CmdOption) return self.option_name < other.option_name def __str__(self) -> str: return self.option_name def __repr__(self) -> str: return "CmdOption({})".format(self.option_name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_registry(cls, registry: type, name_prefix: str = None) -> 'CmdOptionList': """ Creates a list of CmdOption objects from an registry. It creates an activation flag (--OPT/--no-OPT) for each registered plugin and creates for each plugin preference an option with name OPT_PREF. Deeper nesting is intentionally not supported. :param registry: used registry :param name_prefix: prefix of each option name (usable to avoid ambiguity problems) :return: list of CmdOptions """ assert issubclass(registry, AbstractRegistry) typecheck_locals(name_prefix=Str()|E(None)) name_prefix = name_prefix if name_prefix is not None else "" ret_list = CmdOptionList() for plugin in registry.registry: active_key = "{}_active".format("/".join([registry.settings_key_path, plugin])) ret_list.append(CmdOption( option_name=name_prefix + plugin, settings_key=active_key )) misc_key = "{}_misc".format("/".join(registry.settings_key_path.split("/") + [plugin])) misc = Settings().get_type_scheme(misc_key) typecheck(misc, Dict) for misc_sub_key in if misc.is_obsolete(misc_sub_key): continue misc_sub = misc[misc_sub_key] if not isinstance(misc_sub, Dict): ret_list.append(CmdOption( option_name="{}{}_{}".format(name_prefix, plugin, misc_sub_key), settings_key="{}/{}".format(misc_key, misc_sub_key) )) return ret_list
[docs] @classmethod def from_non_plugin_settings(cls, settings_domain: str, exclude: t.List[Str] = None, name_prefix: str = None) -> 'CmdOptionList': """ Creates a list of CmdOption object from all sub settings (in the settings domain). It excludes all sub settings that are either in the exclude list or end with "_active" or "_misc" (used for plugin settings). Also every setting that is of type Dict is ignored. :param settings_domain: settings domain to look into (or "" for the root domain) :param exclude: list of sub keys to exclude :return: list of CmdOptions """ exclude = exclude or [] name_prefix = name_prefix or "" typecheck_locals(settings_domain=str, exclude=List(Str()), name_prefix=Str()) domain = Settings().type_scheme if settings_domain != "": domain = Settings().get_type_scheme(settings_domain) ret_list = [] if isinstance(domain, Obsolete): return CmdOptionList() for sub_key in if domain.is_obsolete(sub_key): continue if sub_key not in exclude and all(not sub_key.endswith(suf) for suf in ["_active", "_misc"]) \ and not isinstance(domain[sub_key], Dict): ret_list.append(CmdOption( option_name=name_prefix + sub_key, settings_key=settings_domain + "/" + sub_key if settings_domain != "" else sub_key )) return CmdOptionList(*ret_list)
[docs]class CmdOptionList: """ A simple list for CmdOptions that supports list flattening. """ def __init__(self, *options: t.Tuple[t.Union[CmdOption, 'CmdOptionList']]): """ Create an instance. :param options: options that this list consists of """ self.options = [] """ Options that build up this list """ for option in options: self.append(option)
[docs] def append(self, options: t.Union[CmdOption, 'CmdOptionList']) -> 'CmdOptionList': """ Appends the passed CmdÖptionList or CmdOption and flattens the resulting list. :param options: CmdÖptionList or CmdOption :return: self """ typecheck_locals(options=T(CmdOptionList)|T(CmdOption)) if isinstance(options, CmdOption): self.options.append(options) else: self.options.extend(options.options) return self
[docs] def set_short(self, option_name: str, new_short: str) -> 'CmdOptionList': """ Sets the short option name of the included option with the passed name. :param option_name: passed option name :param new_short: new short option name :return: self :raises: IndexError if the option with the passed name doesn't exist """ self[option_name].short = new_short return self
def __getitem__(self, key: t.Union[int, str]) -> CmdOption: """ Get the included option with the passed name or at the passed index. :param key: passed name or index :return: found cmd option :raises: IndexError if the option doesn't exist """ if isinstance(key. int): return self.options[key] for option in self.options: if option.option_name == key: return option raise IndexError("No such key {!r}".format(key)) def __iter__(self): return self.options.__iter__() def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.options) def __repr__(self) -> str: return repr(self.options) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.options)
[docs] def get_sphinx_doc(self) -> str: """ Returns the documentation string for the enclosed options """ def format_option(option: CmdOption) -> str: names = ["--" + option.option_name] if option.has_short: names.append("-" + option.short) if option.is_flag: names.append("--no-" + option.option_name) name_str = "|".join(names) ret = """ ``{name}``: :Description: {descr} """.format(name=name_str, descr=option.description) if not option.is_flag: ret += """ :Argument type: {} """.format(str(option.type_scheme).strip()) if option.has_default: ret += """ :Default: :python:`{!r}` """.format(option.default) return ret return "\n".join([format_option(x) for x in self.options])
[docs]def cmd_option(option: t.Union[CmdOption, CmdOptionList], name_prefix: str = None, validate: bool = None) \ -> t.Callable[[t.Callable], t.Callable]: """ Wrapper around click.option that works with CmdOption objects. If option is a list of CmdOptions then the type_scheme_option decorators are chained. Also supports nested lists in the same manner. :param option: CmdOption or (possibly nested) list of CmdOptions :param name_prefix: prefix of all options :param validate: validate setting or validate only for outer most if None :return: click.option(...) like decorator """ typecheck(option, T(CmdOption) | T(CmdOptionList)) name_prefix = name_prefix or "" typecheck(name_prefix, Str()) if isinstance(option, CmdOption): return type_scheme_option(option_name=name_prefix + option.option_name, type_scheme=option.type_scheme, short=option.short, is_flag=option.is_flag, callback=option.callback, with_default=option.has_default, default=option.default, validate_settings=validate ) def func(f: t.Callable): name = f.__name__ #args = f.__arguments__ annotations = f.__annotations__ module = f.__module__ doc = f.__doc__ qname = f.__qualname__ for i, opt in enumerate(sorted(option.options)): validate = None if isinstance(opt, CmdOption) and i == 0: validate = True f = cmd_option(opt, name_prefix, validate=validate)(f) f.__name__ = name[0:-2] if name.endswith("_") else name f.__qualname__ = qname[0:-2] if qname.endswith("_") else qname #f.__args__ = args f.__annotations__ = annotations f.__module__ = module f.__doc__ = doc return f return func
[docs]def document_func(description: str, *options: t.Tuple[t.Union[CmdOptionList, CmdOption]], argument: str = None, only_if_sphinx_doc: bool = True) -> t.Callable[[t.Callable], t.Callable]: """ Function decorator that appends an command documentation to the functions __doc__ attribute. :param description: description of the command :param options: options to generate a documentation for :param argument: optional argument description of the command :param only_if_sphinx_doc: only generate the documentation if the file is executed for documentation generation """ options = CmdOptionList(*options) options_str = options.get_sphinx_doc() def func(f): if not sphinx_doc(): return f full_cmd = f.__name__.replace("__", " ") if not f.__doc__: f.__doc__ = "" f.__doc__ += """ .. role:: python(code) :language: python :Command: ``{full_cmd}`` :Description: {description} """.format(full_cmd=full_cmd, description=description) if argument: f.__doc__ += """ :Argument: {argument} """.format(argument=argument) if len(options) > 0: f.__doc__ += """ **Options**: {options} """.format(options="\n ".join(options_str.split("\n"))) return f return func
#@annotate(Dict({"count": Int(), "abc": Str(), "d": Dict({ # "abc": NaturalNumber() #})}), {"count": 3, "abc": "", "d": {"abc": 1}}, {"count": "Hilfe!!!"}) """ (Dict({ "abc": Int() // Default(4), "d": Dict({ "sad": (CommaSepStringList() | Exact("f")) // Default("f") }) }) """ """ @click.command() @type_scheme_option(Settings().type_scheme) def cmd(**kwargs): def f(**kwargs): print(kwargs) return f cmd() """