Source code for temci.utils.number

import sys
import typing as t
from enum import Enum

import math
from temci.utils.typecheck import *
from temci.utils.util import document

Number = t.Union[int, float]
""" Numeric type """

[docs]def fnumber(number: Number, rel_deviation: Number = None, abs_deviation: Number = None, is_percent: bool = False) -> str: return FNumber(number, rel_deviation, abs_deviation, is_percent).format()
[docs]class ParenthesesMode(Enum): DIGIT_CHANGE = "d" ORDER_OF_MAGNITUDE = "o"
[docs] @classmethod def map(cls, key: t.Union[str, 'ParenthesesMode']) -> 'ParenthesesMode': if isinstance(key, ParenthesesMode): return key return { "d": ParenthesesMode.DIGIT_CHANGE, "o": ParenthesesMode.ORDER_OF_MAGNITUDE }[key]
[docs]@document(settings_format="Configuration format, is in the settings under report/number") class FNumber: """ A formattable number wrapper. """ settings_format = Dict({ "parentheses": Bool() // Description("Show parentheses around non significant digits? (If a std dev is given)") // Default(True), "min_decimal_places": NaturalNumber() // Description("The minimum number of shown decimal places " "if decimal places are shown") // Default(3), "max_decimal_places": NaturalNumber() // Description("The maximum number of decimal places") // Default(5), "scientific_notation": Bool() // Description("Use the exponential notation, i.e. '10e3' for 1000") // Default(True), "scientific_notation_si_prefixes": Bool() // Description("Use si prefixes instead of 'e…'") // Default(True), "omit_insignificant_decimal_places": Bool() // Description("Omit insignificant decimal places") // Default(False), "force_min_decimal_places": Bool() // Description("Don't omit the minimum number of decimal places " "if insignificant?") // Default(True), "percentages": Bool() // Description("Show as percentages") // Default(False), "sigmas": NaturalNumber(lambda i: i > 0) // Description("Number of standard deviation used for the digit " "significance evaluation") // Default(2), "parentheses_mode": ExactEither("d", "o") // Description("Mode for showing the parentheses: either " "d (Digits are considered significant if they " "don't change if the number itself changes += " "$sigmas * std dev) or o (digits are considered " "significant if they are bigger than $sigmas * std " "dev)") // Default("o") }) settings = settings_format.get_default() # type: t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, bool]] def __init__(self, number: Number, rel_deviation: Number = None, abs_deviation: Number = None, is_percent: bool = None, scientific_notation: bool = None, parentheses_mode: t.Union[str, ParenthesesMode] = None, parentheses: bool = None): from temci.utils.settings import Settings self.settings = Settings()["report/number"] self.number = number # type: Number assert not (rel_deviation is not None and abs_deviation is not None) self.deviation = None # type: t.Optional[Number] """ Relative deviation """ if abs_deviation is not None: if number != 0: self.deviation = abs(abs_deviation / number) else: self.deviation = 0 elif rel_deviation is not None: self.deviation = abs(rel_deviation) self.is_percent = is_percent if is_percent is not None else self.settings["percentages"] self.scientific_notation = scientific_notation if scientific_notation is not None \ else self.settings["scientific_notation"] self.parentheses_mode = if parentheses_mode is not None \ else self.settings["parentheses_mode"]) self.parentheses = parentheses if parentheses is not None \ else self.settings["parentheses"] def __int__(self) -> int: return int(self.number) def __float__(self) -> float: return float(self.number) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.number) def __str__(self) -> str: if math.isnan(self.number): return str(self.number) dev = self.deviation parentheses = self.parentheses if dev is None or dev == 0: dev = 0 parentheses = False num = self.number scientific_notation = self.scientific_notation if self.is_percent: dev *= 100.0 num *= 100.0 scientific_notation = False return format_number(num, deviation=dev, parentheses=parentheses, min_decimal_places=self.settings["min_decimal_places"], max_decimal_places=self.settings["max_decimal_places"], scientific_notation=scientific_notation, scientific_notation_si_prefixes=self.settings["scientific_notation_si_prefixes"], omit_insignificant_decimal_places=self.settings["omit_insignificant_decimal_places"], force_min_decimal_places=self.settings["force_min_decimal_places"], sigmas=self.settings["sigmas"], parentheses_mode=self.parentheses_mode ) + ("%" if self.is_percent else "")
[docs] def format(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] @classmethod def init_settings(cls, new_settings: t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, bool]]): typecheck_locals(new_settings=cls.settings_format) cls.settings = cls.settings_format.get_default().copy() cls.settings.update(new_settings)
[docs]def format_number(number: Number, deviation: float = 0.0, parentheses: bool = True, explicit_deviation: bool = False, is_deviation_absolute: bool = True, min_decimal_places: int = 3, max_decimal_places: t.Optional[int] = None, omit_insignificant_decimal_places: bool = True, scientific_notation: bool = False, scientific_notation_steps: int = 3, scientific_notation_decimal_places: int = None, scientific_notation_si_prefixes: bool = True, force_min_decimal_places: bool = True, relative_to_deviation: bool = False, sigmas: int = 2, parentheses_mode: ParenthesesMode = ParenthesesMode.ORDER_OF_MAGNITUDE ) -> str: """ Format the passed number >>> format_number(1.0, 0.5) '1.(000)' >>> format_number(1.56, 0.005) '1.56(0)' >>> format_number(1560, scientific_notation=True) '1.560k' >>> format_number(1560, scientific_notation_si_prefixes=False, scientific_notation=True) '1.560e3' >>> format_number(float("inf")) 'inf' :param number: formatted number :param deviation: standard deviation associated with the number :param parentheses: show parentheses around non significant digits? :param explicit_deviation: show the absolute deviation, e.g. "100±456.4" :param is_deviation_absolute: is the given deviation absolute? :param min_decimal_places: the minimum number of shown decimal places if decimal places are shown :param max_decimal_places: the maximum number of decimal places :param omit_insignificant_decimal_places: omit insignificant decimal places :param scientific_notation: use the exponential notation, i.e. "10e3" for 1000 :param scientific_notation_steps: steps in which the exponential part is incremented :param scientific_notation_decimal_places: number of decimal places that are shown in the scientic notation :param scientific_notation_si_prefixes: use si prefixes instead of "e…" :param force_min_decimal_places: don't omit the minimum number of decimal places if insignificant? :param relative_to_deviation: format the number relative to its deviation, i.e. "10 sigma" :param sigmas: number of standard deviations for significance :param parentheses_mode: mode for selecting the significant digits :return: the number formatted as a string """ prefix = "" if number < 0: number = abs(number) prefix = "-" kwargs = { "number": number, "deviation": deviation, "explicit_deviation": explicit_deviation, "parentheses": parentheses, "is_deviation_absolute": is_deviation_absolute, "min_decimal_places": min_decimal_places, "max_decimal_places": max_decimal_places, "omit_insignificant_decimal_places": omit_insignificant_decimal_places, "force_min_decimal_places": force_min_decimal_places, "relative_to_deviation": relative_to_deviation, "scientific_notation": scientific_notation, "sigmas": sigmas, "parentheses_mode": parentheses_mode } if math.isinf(number): return "inf" if explicit_deviation: return prefix + _format_number(**kwargs) if scientific_notation: #kwargs["scientic_notation_steps"] = scientic_notation_steps #kwargs["scientific_notation_decimal_places"] = scientific_notation_decimal_places return prefix + format_number_sn(scientific_notation_steps=scientific_notation_steps, decimal_places=scientific_notation_decimal_places, si_prefixes=scientific_notation_si_prefixes, **kwargs) else: return prefix + _format_number(**kwargs)
def _format_number(number: Number, deviation: float, parentheses: bool = True, explicit_deviation: bool = False, is_deviation_absolute: bool = False, min_decimal_places: int = 3, max_decimal_places: t.Optional[int] = None, omit_insignificant_decimal_places: bool = True, force_min_decimal_places: bool = True, relative_to_deviation: bool = False, scientific_notation: bool = False, scientific_notation_si_prefixes: bool = True, sigmas: int = 2, parentheses_mode: ParenthesesMode = ParenthesesMode.ORDER_OF_MAGNITUDE) -> str: app = "" if relative_to_deviation: app = "𝜎" if is_deviation_absolute: number /= deviation else: number = 1 / deviation deviation = 1 if not is_deviation_absolute: deviation = number * deviation if explicit_deviation: num = format_number(number, deviation, parentheses, explicit_deviation=False, is_deviation_absolute=True, min_decimal_places=min_decimal_places, max_decimal_places=max_decimal_places, omit_insignificant_decimal_places=omit_insignificant_decimal_places, force_min_decimal_places=force_min_decimal_places, relative_to_deviation=relative_to_deviation, scientific_notation=scientific_notation, scientific_notation_si_prefixes=scientific_notation_si_prefixes, sigmas=sigmas, parentheses_mode=parentheses_mode) dev = format_number(deviation, deviation, parentheses=False, explicit_deviation=False, is_deviation_absolute=True, min_decimal_places=min_decimal_places, max_decimal_places=max_decimal_places, omit_insignificant_decimal_places=omit_insignificant_decimal_places, force_min_decimal_places=force_min_decimal_places, relative_to_deviation=relative_to_deviation, scientific_notation=scientific_notation, scientific_notation_si_prefixes=scientific_notation_si_prefixes, sigmas=sigmas) return num + "±" + dev last_sig = -10000 if not math.isnan(deviation): last_sig = _last_significant_digit(number, deviation, sigmas, parentheses_mode) num = "" decimal_places = 0 if last_sig >= 0: # decimal part is insignificant if not omit_insignificant_decimal_places or force_min_decimal_places: if force_min_decimal_places: decimal_places = min_decimal_places else: decimal_places = min_decimal_places if not omit_insignificant_decimal_places or force_min_decimal_places: decimal_places = max(abs(last_sig), min_decimal_places) if max_decimal_places is not None: decimal_places = min(decimal_places, max_decimal_places) # round the number number = round(number * (10 ** decimal_places)) / (10 ** decimal_places) # format the integer part if last_sig <= 0 or not parentheses: # integer part is significant num = str(int(number)) else: num = str(int(number)) num = num[0:len(num) - last_sig] + "(" + num[len(num) - last_sig:] + ")" # format the decimal part if last_sig >= 0: # decimal part is insignificant if not omit_insignificant_decimal_places or force_min_decimal_places: dec_part = "{{:.{}f}}".format(decimal_places).format(number - math.floor(number))[2:] if max_decimal_places != 0: num += "." if parentheses: num += "(" + dec_part + ")" else: num += dec_part else: dec_digits = min_decimal_places dec_part = "{{:.{}f}}".format(decimal_places) dec_part = dec_part.format(number - math.floor(number))[2:] if max_decimal_places != 0: num += "." if parentheses and len(dec_part[abs(last_sig):]) > 0: num += dec_part[0:abs(last_sig)] + "(" + dec_part[abs(last_sig):] + ")" else: num += dec_part return num + app
[docs]def format_number_sn(number: Number, scientific_notation_steps: int = 3, deviation: t.Optional[float] = None, decimal_places: int = None, si_prefixes: bool = True, **kwargs): if si_prefixes: decimal_places = 3 sig = _first_digit(number) // scientific_notation_steps p = math.pow(10, sig * scientific_notation_steps) decimal_places = decimal_places or (3 if isinstance(number, float) or p >= 1000 else 0) number /= p if deviation and ("is_deviation_absolute" in kwargs and kwargs["is_deviation_absolute"]): deviation /= p fmt = "%.{}f".format(decimal_places) % number e = "e" + str(sig * scientific_notation_steps) if si_prefixes: e = _number_to_si_prefix(sig * 3) kwargs["scientific_notation"] = False if deviation: fmt = _format_number(number, deviation=deviation, **kwargs) if sig != 0: fmt += e return fmt
def _number_to_si_prefix(exponent: int) -> str: assert exponent % 3 == 0 and 24 >= exponent >= -24 return ["Y", "Z", "E", "P", "T", "G", "M", "k", "", "m", "µ", "n", "f", "a", "z", "y"][int((24 - exponent) / 3)] def _last_significant_digit(number: Number, abs_deviation: float, sigmas: int = 2, parentheses_mode: ParenthesesMode = ParenthesesMode.ORDER_OF_MAGNITUDE) -> int: """ Calculates the position down to which the passed number is significant. […][2][1][0].[-1][-2][…] Significant <=> DIGIT_CHANGE mode -> the digit does not change if the number is $sigmas deviations bigger or smaller OOM -> the digit position is bigger than the order of magnitude than $sigmas deviations """ if abs_deviation == 0: return -1 if number < 0 or abs_deviation < 0: raise Exception() if parentheses_mode is ParenthesesMode.ORDER_OF_MAGNITUDE: return math.ceil(math.log10(sigmas * abs_deviation)) upper = number + sigmas * abs_deviation lower = number - sigmas * abs_deviation current_power = math.ceil(math.log10(upper)) min_power = math.floor(math.log10(sys.float_info.min)) while current_power >= min_power: if _n_th_digit(upper, current_power) != _n_th_digit(lower, current_power): return current_power + 1 current_power -= 1 return -1 def _n_th_digit(number: Number, n: int) -> int: return math.floor(number / math.pow(10, n)) % 10 def _first_digit(number: Number) -> int: # […][2][1][0].[-1][-2][…] if number == 0: return 0 return math.floor(math.log10(number))