Source code for temci.utils.registry

import logging

from temci.utils.util import join_strs, sphinx_doc
from .settings import Settings
from .typecheck import *
import typing as t

[docs]class AbstractRegistry: """ An abstract registry. To create an own registry set the settings_key_path (type str), the use_key (type str), the use_list (type bool) and the default attribute (type (use_list ? list of strings : str). Important: Be sure to have a "register = {}" line in your extending class. """ settings_key_path = "" # type: str """ Used settings key path """ use_key = None # type: t.Optional[str] """ Used key that sets which registered class is currently used """ use_list = False # type: bool """ Allow more than one class to used at a specific moment in time """ default = None # type: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[str]]] """ Name(s) of the class(es) used by default. Type depends on the `use_list` property.""" registry = {} # type: t.Dict[str, type] """ Registered classes (indexed by their name) """ plugin_synonym = ("plugin", "plugins") # type: t.Tuple[str, str] """ Singular and plural version of the word that is used in the documentation for the registered entities """
[docs] @classmethod def get_for_name(cls, name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> t.Any: """ Creates a plugin with the given name. :param name: name of the registered class :return: object of the registered class :raises: ValueError if there isn't such a class """ if name not in cls.registry: raise ValueError("No such registered class {}".format(name)) misc_settings = Settings()["/".join([cls.settings_key_path, name + "_misc"])] return cls.registry[name](misc_settings, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_tester(cls) -> 'Tester': """ Returns the tester that is configured in the settings :return: tester instance """ return cls.get_for_name(cls.get_used(), Settings()["stats/tester"], Settings()["stats/uncertainty_range"])
[docs] @classmethod def get_used(cls) -> t.Union[str, t.List[str]]: """ Get the list of name of the used plugins (use_list=True) or the names of the used plugin (use_list=False). """ key = "/".join([cls.settings_key_path, cls.use_key]) if not Settings().has_key(key): return [] if cls.use_list else None if cls.use_list: plugin_allow_vals = {} active_list = Settings()[key].split(",") if not isinstance(Settings()[key], list) else Settings()[key] ret_list = [] for name in sorted(cls.registry.keys()): active_path = "{}_active".format("/".join([cls.settings_key_path, name])) active = Settings()[active_path] if active is None and name in active_list: ret_list.append(name) if active is True: ret_list.append(name) return ret_list else: return Settings()[key]
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, name: str, klass: type, misc_type: Type, activate_by_default: bool = None, deprecated: bool = False): """ Registers a new class. The constructor of the class gets as first argument the misc settings. :param name: common name of the registered class :param klass: actual class :param misc_type: type scheme of the {name}_misc settings :param misc_default: default value of the {name}_misc settings :param deprecated: is the registered class deprecated and should not be used? """ if deprecated: Settings().get_type_scheme(cls.settings_key_path).unknown_keys = True return def format_str_list(val: t.List[str], sep: str = "and") -> str: return join_strs(list(map(repr, val)), sep) misc_type_empty = misc_type == Dict() or misc_type == Dict({}) misc_default = misc_type.get_default() description = None use_key_path = "/".join([cls.settings_key_path, cls.use_key]) misc_key = "{}_misc".format("/".join([cls.settings_key_path, name])) if klass.__doc__ is not None: header = ""# "Description of {} (class {}):\n".format(name, klass.__qualname__) lines = str(klass.__doc__.strip()).split("\n") lines = map(lambda x: " " + x.strip(), lines) description = Description(header + "\n".join(lines)) klass.__description__ = description.description misc_type //= description else: klass.__description__ = "" logging.error("Class level documentation for {} is missing".format(klass.__name__)) Settings().modify_setting(misc_key, misc_type) if cls.use_list: if not Settings().validate_key_path(use_key_path.split("/")) \ or isinstance(Settings().get_type_scheme(use_key_path), Any): use_key_type = (StrList() | Exact(name)) use_key_type.typecheck_default = False Settings().modify_setting(use_key_path, use_key_type // Default(cls.default) if cls.default is not None else use_key_type) else: use_key_list = Settings().get_type_scheme(use_key_path) assert isinstance(use_key_list, StrList) use_key_list |= Exact(name) use_key_list = Settings().get_type_scheme(use_key_path) use_key_list // Description("Possible {} are {}".format(cls.plugin_synonym[1], format_str_list(use_key_list.allowed_values))) active_path = "{}_active".format("/".join([cls.settings_key_path, name])) if not Settings().validate_key_path(active_path.split("/")): Settings().modify_setting(active_path, BoolOrNone() // Default(activate_by_default)) Settings().get_type_scheme(active_path) // Description("Enable: " + klass.__description__) else: if not Settings().validate_key_path(use_key_path.split("/")) \ or not isinstance(Settings().get_type_scheme(use_key_path), ExactEither): use_key_type = ExactEither(name) use_key_type.typecheck_default = False Settings().modify_setting(use_key_path, use_key_type // Default(cls.default) if cls.default else use_key_type) else: Settings().modify_setting(use_key_path, Settings().get_type_scheme(use_key_path) | Exact(name)) use_key_type = Settings().get_type_scheme(use_key_path) use_key_type // Description("Possible {} are {}".format(cls.plugin_synonym[1], format_str_list(use_key_type.exp_values))) cls.registry[name] = klass if not sphinx_doc(): return use_text = "" cls_use_text = "" if cls.use_list: use_text = "To use this {plugin} add its name (`{name}`) to the list at settings key `{key}` or " \ "set `{active}` to true."\ .format(plugin=cls.plugin_synonym[0], name=name, key=use_key_path, active="{}_active".format("/".join([cls.settings_key_path, name]))) cls_use_text = "The used {plugins} can be configured by editing the list under the settings key `{key}`."\ .format(plugins=cls.plugin_synonym[1], key=use_key_path) else: use_text = "To use this {plugin} set the currently used {plugin} (at key `{key}`) to its name (`{name}`)."\ .format(plugin=cls.plugin_synonym[0], name=name, key=use_key_path) cls_use_text = "The used {plugin} can be configured by editing the settings key `{key}`."\ .format(plugin=cls.plugin_synonym[0], key=use_key_path) other_plugins_text = "" used_type = Settings().get_type_scheme(use_key_path) possible_plugins = used_type.allowed_values if cls.use_list else used_type.exp_values # type: t.List[str] possbible_p_wo_self = [x for x in possible_plugins if x != name] if len(possible_plugins) == 2: other_plugins_text = "Another usable {plugin} is `{p}`.".format(plugin=cls.plugin_synonym[0], p=possbible_p_wo_self[0]) if len(possible_plugins) > 2: other_plugins_text = "Other usable {plugins} are {p}.".format(plugins=cls.plugin_synonym[1], p=join_strs(["`{}`".format(x) for x in possbible_p_wo_self])) default_plugins_text = "" if cls.default: if cls.use_list and len(cls.default) > 1: p = join_strs(["`{}`".format(x) for x in cls.default]) default_plugins_text = "The default {plugins} are {p}.".format(plugins=cls.plugin_synonym[1], p=p) else: default = cls.default[0] if cls.use_list else cls.default default_plugins_text = "The default {plugin} is `{p}`.".format(plugin=cls.plugin_synonym[0], p=default) if not misc_type_empty: klass.__doc__ += """ Configuration format: .. code-block:: yaml {default_yaml} This {plugin} can be configured under the settings key `{misc_key}`. """.format(default_yaml="\n ".join(misc_type.get_default_yaml().split("\n")), misc_key=misc_key, plugin=cls.plugin_synonym[0]) klass.__doc__ += """ {use_text} {other} {default} """.format(use_text=use_text, other=other_plugins_text, default=default_plugins_text) if not hasattr(cls, "__old_documentation__"): cls.__old_documentation__ = cls.__doc__ or "" cls.__doc__ = cls.__old_documentation__ cls.__doc__ += """ {use_text} {possible} """.format( use_text=cls_use_text, possible=Settings().get_type_scheme(use_key_path).description )
@classmethod def __getitem__(cls, name: str) -> type: """ Alias for get_for_name(name). """ return cls.get_for_name(name)
[docs] @classmethod def get_class(cls, name: str) -> type: return cls.registry[name]
[docs]def register(registry: type, name: str, misc_type: Type, deprecated: bool = False): """ Class decorator that calls the register method for the decorated method. :param registry: the registry class to register the class in :param name: common name of the registered class :param misc_type: type scheme of the {name}_misc settings (each dict key must have a default value) :param deprecated: is the registered class deprecated and should not be used? """ assert issubclass(registry, AbstractRegistry) def dec(klass): registry.register(name, klass, misc_type, deprecated=deprecated) return klass return dec