Source code for temci.utils.settings

from temci.utils.number import FNumber

import yaml
import copy
import os, logging
import click

from temci.utils.typecheck import Obsolete
from temci.utils.util import recursive_exec_for_leafs, Singleton, sphinx_doc
from temci.utils.typecheck import *
import multiprocessing
import typing as t

[docs]def ValidCPUCoreNumber() -> Int: """ Creates a Type instance that matches all valid CPU core numbers. """ return Int(range=range(0, multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
[docs]class SettingsError(ValueError): """ Error raised if something with the settings goes wrong """ pass
[docs]class Settings(metaclass=Singleton): """ Manages the Settings. The settings keys and sub keys are combined by a slash, e.g. "report/in". The current settings are: .. code: yaml """ config_file_name = "temci.yaml" # type: str """ Default name of the configuration files """ type_scheme = Dict({ "settings": Str() // Description("Additional settings file") // Default(config_file_name if os.path.exists(config_file_name) else "") // CompletionHint(zsh=YAML_FILE_COMPLETION_HINT), "config": Str() // Description("Alias for settings") // Default(config_file_name if os.path.exists(config_file_name) else "") // CompletionHint(zsh=YAML_FILE_COMPLETION_HINT), "tmp_dir": Str() // Default("/tmp/temci") // Description("Used temporary directory"), "log_level": ExactEither("debug", "info", "warn", "error", "quiet") // Default("info") // Description("Logging level"), "stats": Dict({ "properties": ListOrTuple(Str()) // Default(["all"]) // CompletionHint(zsh="(" + " ".join(["__ov-time", "cache-misses", "cycles", "task-clock", "instructions", "branch-misses", "cache-references", "all"]) + ")") // Description("Properties to use for reporting and null hypothesis tests, " "can be regular expressions"), "uncertainty_range": Tuple(Float(lambda x: x >= 0), Float(lambda x: x >= 0)) // Default([0.05, 0.15]) // Description("Range of p values that allow no conclusion.") }, unknown_keys=True), "report": Dict({ # "reporter": Str() // Default("console") // Description(), "in": Either(Str(), ListOrTuple(Str())) // Default("run_output.yaml") // Description("Files that contain the benchmarking results") // CompletionHint(zsh=YAML_FILE_COMPLETION_HINT), "excluded_properties": ListOrTuple(Str()) // Default(["__ov-time"]) // Description("Properties that aren't shown in the report."), "exclude_invalid": BoolOrNone() // Default(True) // Description("Exclude all data sets that contain only NaNs."), "long_properties": BoolOrNone() // Default(False) // Description("Replace the property names in reports with longer more descriptive versions?"), "xkcd_like_plots": BoolOrNone() // Default(False) // Description("Produce xkcd like plots (requires the humor sans font to be installed)"), "number": FNumber.settings_format, "included_blocks": ListOrTuple(Str()) // Default(["all"]) // Description("List of included run blocks (all: include all), " "identified by their description or tag attribute, " "can be regular expressions"), }, unknown_keys=True), "run": Dict({ "discarded_runs": NaturalNumber() // Description("First n runs that are discarded") // Default(1), "min_runs": NaturalNumber() // Default(20) // Description("Minimum number of benchmarking runs"), "max_runs": NaturalNumber() // Default(100) // Description("Maximum number of benchmarking runs"), "max_runs_per_tag": Dict(unknown_keys=True, key_type=Str() // Description("Tag"), value_type=NaturalNumber() // Description("Max runs")) // Default({}) // Description("Maximum runs per tag (block attribute 'tag'), min('max_runs', 'per_tag') is used"), "min_runs_per_tag": Dict(unknown_keys=True, key_type=Str() // Description("Tag"), value_type=NaturalNumber() // Description("Min runs")) // Default({}) // Description( "Minimum runs per tag (block attribute 'tag'), max('min_runs', 'per_tag') is used"), "runs_per_tag": Dict(unknown_keys=True, key_type=Str() // Description("Tag"), value_type=NaturalNumber() // Description("Runs")) // Default({}) // Description( "Runs per tag (block attribute 'tag'), max('runs', 'per_tag') is used"), "runs": Int(lambda x: x >= -1) // Default(-1) // Description("if != -1 sets max and min runs to its value"), "max_time": ValidTimeSpan() // Default("-1") // Description("Maximum time the whole benchmarking should take, " "-1 == no timeout, supports normal time span expressions"), # in seconds "max_block_time": ValidTimeSpan() // Default("-1") // Description("Maximum time one run block should take, " "-1 == no timeout, supports normal time span expressions"), "run_block_size": PositiveInt() // Default(1) // Description("Number of benchmarking runs that are done together"), "in": Str() // Default("input.exec.yaml") // Description("Input file with the program blocks to benchmark") // CompletionHint(zsh=YAML_FILE_COMPLETION_HINT), "out": Str() // Default("run_output.yaml") // Description("Output file for the benchmarking results") // CompletionHint(zsh=YAML_FILE_COMPLETION_HINT), "store_often": Bool() // Default(False) // Description("Store the result file after each set of blocks is benchmarked"), "exec_plugins": Dict({ }), "included_blocks" : ListOrTuple(Str()) // Default(["all"]) // Description("List of included run blocks (all: include all), " "or their tag attribute " "or their number in the file (starting with 0), " "can be regular expressions"), "cpuset": Dict({ "active": Bool() // Description("Use cpuset functionality?") // Default(False), "base_core_number": ValidCPUCoreNumber() // Description("Number of cpu cores for the base (remaining part of the) system") // Default(1), "parallel": Int(lambda x: x >= -1) // Description("0: benchmark sequential, " "> 0: benchmark parallel with n instances, " "-1: determine n automatically") // Default(0), "sub_core_number": ValidCPUCoreNumber() // Description("Number of cpu cores per parallel running program.") // Default(1), "temci_in_base_set": Bool() // Default(True) // Description("place temci in the same cpu set as the rest of the system?") }), "disable_hyper_threading": Bool() // Default(False) // Description("Disable the hyper threaded cores. Good for cpu bound programs."), "show_report": Bool() // Default(True) // Description("Print console report if log_level=info"), "append": Bool() // Default(False) // Description("Append to the output file instead of overwriting by adding new run data blocks"), "shuffle": Bool() // Default(True) // Description("Randomize the order in which the program blocks are " "benchmarked."), "send_mail": Str() // Default("") // Description("If not empty, recipient of a mail after the benchmarking finished."), "discard_all_data_for_block_on_error": Bool() // Default(False) // Description("Discard all run data for the failing program on error"), "record_errors_in_file": Bool() // Default(True) // Description("Record the caught errors in the run_output file"), "no_build": Bool() // Default(False) // Description("Do not build if build configs are present, only works if the working directory " "of the blocks does not change"), "only_build": Bool() // Default(False) // Description("Only build"), "abort_after_build_error": Bool() // Default(True) // Description("Abort after the first failing build"), "watch": Bool() // Default(False) // Description("Show the report continuously"), "watch_every": PositiveInt() // Default(1) // Description("Update the screen nth run (less updates are better for benchmarks)") }), "build": Dict({ "in": Str() // Default("build.yaml") // Description("Input file with the program blocks to build") // CompletionHint(zsh=YAML_FILE_COMPLETION_HINT), "out": Str() // Default("run_config.yaml") // Description("Resulting run config file"), "threads": PositiveInt() // Default(1) // Description("Number of simultaneous builds for a specific " "program block, only makes sense when build_config/number > 1, " "and if the build commands create a different binary every " "time they are run"), "rand": Obsolete("Removed builder randomization", "0.8") // Description("Obsolete randomization configuration") }, unknown_keys=True), "package": Obsolete("Removed temci package", "0.8"), "env": Dict({"USER": Str(), "PATH": Str()}, unknown_keys=True) // Default({"USER": "", "PATH": ""}) // Description("Environment variables for the benchmarked programs, includes the user used for " "generated files"), "sudo": Bool() // Default(False) // Description("Acquire sudo privileges and run benchmark programs with " "non-sudo user. Only supported on the command line.") }, unknown_keys=True) # type: Dict """ Type scheme of the settings """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes a Settings singleton object and thereby loads the Settings files. It loads the settings files from the app folder (config.yaml) and the current working directory (temci.yaml) if they exist. :raises: SettingsError if some of the settings aren't in the format described via the type_scheme class property """ self.prefs = copy.deepcopy(self.type_scheme.get_default()) # type: t.Dict[str, t.Any] """ The set sonfigurations """ res = self._validate_settings_dict(self.prefs, "default settings") if not res: raise SettingsError(str(res)) self._setup()
[docs] def load_files(self): """ Loads the configuration files from the current and the config directory """ self.load_from_config_dir() self.load_from_current_dir() self._setup()
def _setup(self): """ Simple setup method that checks if basic directories exist and creates them if necessary. """ if not os.path.exists(self.prefs["tmp_dir"]): os.mkdir(self.prefs["tmp_dir"]) log_level = self["log_level"] logging.Logger.disabled = log_level == "quiet" logger = logging.getLogger() mapping = { "debug": logging.DEBUG, "info": logging.INFO, "warn": logging.WARNING, "error": logging.ERROR, "quiet": logging.ERROR } logger.setLevel(mapping[log_level]) self._update_doc() self.apply_override_actions() def _update_doc(self): """ Update the class documentation """ if sphinx_doc(): self.__doc__ = self.__doc__.split(".. code: yaml")[0] + """.. code: yaml """ + "\n ".join(self.type_scheme.get_default_yaml().split("\n"))
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the current settings to the defaults. """ self.prefs = copy.deepcopy(self.type_scheme.get_default())
def _validate_settings_dict(self, data: t.Dict[str, t.Any], description: str = None): """ Check whether the passed dictionary matches the settings type scheme. :param data: passed dictionary :param description: short description of the passed dictionary :return: True like object if valid, else string like object which is the error message """ return verbose_isinstance(data, self.type_scheme, description or "Settings")
[docs] def load_file(self, file: str): """ Loads the configuration from the configuration YAML file. :param file: path to the file :raises: SettingsError if the settings file is incorrect or doesn't exist """ self.prefs = self.type_scheme.get_default() tmp = copy.deepcopy(self.prefs) try: with open(file, 'r') as stream: map = yaml.safe_load("!!python/tuple", "")) def func(key, path, value): if value is not None or self.get_type_scheme(path).check(value): self._set_default(path, value) self._set(path, value) recursive_exec_for_leafs(map, func) except (yaml.YAMLError, IOError) as err: self.prefs = tmp raise SettingsError(str(err)) res = self._validate_settings_dict(self.prefs, "settings with ones from file '{}'".format(file)) if not res: self.prefs = tmp raise SettingsError(str(res)) self._setup()
[docs] def load_from_dict(self, config_dict: t.Dict[str, t.Any]): """ Load the configuration from the passed dictionary. :param config_dict: passed configuration dictionary """ self.prefs = self.type_scheme.get_default() tmp = copy.deepcopy(self.prefs) def func(key, path, value): self._set_default(path, value) recursive_exec_for_leafs(config_dict, func) res = self._validate_settings_dict(self.prefs, "settings with ones config dict") if not res: self.prefs = tmp raise SettingsError(str(res)) self._setup()
[docs] def load_from_dir(self, dir: str): """ Load the configuration from the configuration file inside the passed directory. :param dir: path of the directory """ self.load_file(os.path.join(dir, "config.yaml"))
[docs] def load_from_config_dir(self): """ Load the config file from the application directory (e.g. in the users home folder) if it exists. """ conf = os.path.join(click.get_app_dir("temci"), "config.yaml") if os.path.exists(conf) and os.path.isfile(conf): self.load_file(conf)
[docs] def load_from_current_dir(self): """ Load the configuration from the `configuration file in the current working directory if it exists. """ if os.path.exists(self.config_file_name) and os.path.isfile(self.config_file_name): self.load_file(self.config_file_name)
[docs] def get(self, key: t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) -> t.Any: """ Get the setting with the given key. :param key: name of the setting :return: value of the setting :raises: SettingsError if the setting doesn't exist """ if self.is_obsolete(key): raise SettingsError("Using obsolete setting {!r}: {}".format(key, self.obsoleteness_reason(key))) path = key.split("/") if isinstance(key, str) else key if not self.validate_key_path(path): raise SettingsError("No such setting {}".format(key)) data = self.prefs for sub in path: data = data[sub] return data
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> t.Any: """ Alias for self.get(self, key). """ return self.get(key) def _set(self, path: t.List[str], value): """ Set the setting at the passed path. :param path: passed key path :param value: new value """ if self.is_obsolete(path): return tmp_pref = self.prefs tmp_type = self.type_scheme for key in path[0:-1]: if key not in tmp_pref: tmp_pref[key] = {} tmp_type[key] = Dict(unknown_keys=True, key_type=Str()) tmp_pref = tmp_pref[key] tmp_type = tmp_type[key] tmp_pref[path[-1]] = value if path[-1] not in tmp_type[path[-1]] = Any() // Default(value) if (path == ["config"] or path == ["settings"]) and value != "": self.load_file(value) self._update_doc()
[docs] def validate(self): """ Validate this settings object :raises: SettingsError if the setting isn't valid """ self._validate_settings_dict(self.prefs)
[docs] def set(self, key: str, value, validate: bool = True, setup: bool = True): """ Sets the setting key to the passed new value :param key: settings key :param value: new value :param validate: validate after the setting operation :param setup: call the setup function :raises: SettingsError if the setting isn't valid """ tmp = copy.deepcopy(self.prefs) path = key.split("/") self._set(path, value) if validate: res = self._validate_settings_dict(self.prefs, "settings with new setting ({}={!r})".format(key, value)) if not res: self.prefs = tmp raise SettingsError(str(res)) if setup: self._setup()
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value): """ Alias for self.set(key, value). """ self.set(key, value)
[docs] def validate_key_path(self, path: t.List[str]) -> bool: """ Validates a path into in to the settings trees, :param path: list of sub keys :return: Is this key path valid? """ if self.is_obsolete(path): return True tmp = self.prefs for item in path: if item not in tmp: return False tmp = tmp[item] return True
[docs] def has_key(self, key: str) -> bool: """ Does the passed key exist? """ return self.validate_key_path(key.split("/"))
def _set_default(self, path: t.List[str], value): """ Set the default value of the setting with the passed path :param path: passed key path :param value: new default value """ self.modify_type_scheme("/".join(path), lambda t: t // Default(value)) self._update_doc()
[docs] def modify_setting(self, key: str, type_scheme: Type): """ Modifies the setting with the given key and adds it if it doesn't exist. :param key: key of the setting :param type_scheme: Type of the setting :param default_value: default value of the setting :raises: SettingsError if the settings domain (the key without the last element) doesn't exist :raises: TypeError if the default value doesn't adhere the type scheme """ if self.is_obsolete(key):"Using obsolete setting {!r}: {}".format(key, self.obsoleteness_reason(key))) return path = key.split("/") domain = "/".join(path[:-1]) if len(path) > 1 and not self.validate_key_path(path[:-1]) \ and not isinstance(self.get(domain), dict): raise SettingsError("Setting domain {} doesn't exist".format(domain)) tmp_typ = self.type_scheme tmp_prefs = self.prefs for subkey in path[:-1]: tmp_typ = tmp_typ[subkey] tmp_prefs = tmp_prefs[subkey] tmp_typ[path[-1]] = type_scheme if path[-1] in tmp_prefs: if type_scheme.typecheck_default: typecheck(tmp_prefs[path[-1]], type_scheme) tmp_typ[path[-1]] = type_scheme else: tmp_prefs[path[-1]] = type_scheme.get_default()
[docs] def get_type_scheme(self, key: t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) -> Type: """ Returns the type scheme of the given key. :param key: given key :return: type scheme :raises: SettingsError if the setting with the given key doesn't exist """ key = key.split("/") if isinstance(key, str) else key if not self.validate_key_path(key): raise SettingsError("Setting {} doesn't exist".format("/".join(key))) tmp_typ = self.type_scheme for subkey in key: tmp_typ = tmp_typ[subkey] return tmp_typ
[docs] def modify_type_scheme(self, key: str, modificator: t.Callable[[Type], Type]): """ Modifies the type scheme of the given key via a modificator function. :param key: given key :param modificator: gets the type scheme and returns its modified version :raises: SettingsError if the setting with the given key doesn't exist """ if self.is_obsolete(key): return if not self.validate_key_path(key.split("/")): raise SettingsError("Setting {} doesn't exist".format(key)) tmp_typ = self.type_scheme subkeys = key.split("/") for subkey in subkeys[:-1]: tmp_typ = tmp_typ[subkey] tmp_typ[subkeys[-1]] = modificator(tmp_typ[subkeys[-1]]) assert isinstance(tmp_typ[subkeys[-1]], Type)
[docs] def default(self, value: t.Optional[t.Any], key: str): """ Returns the passed value if isn't None else the settings value under the passed key. :param value: passed value :param key: passed settings key """ if value is None: return self[key] typecheck(value, self.get_type_scheme(key)) return value
[docs] def store_into_file(self, file_name: str, comment_out_defaults: bool = False): """ Stores the current settings into a yaml file with comments. :param file_name: name of the resulting file :param comment_out_defaults: comment out the default values """ with open(file_name, "w") as f: print(self.type_scheme.get_default_yaml(defaults=self.prefs, comment_out_defaults=comment_out_defaults), file=f)
[docs] def has_log_level(self, level: str) -> bool: """ Is the current log level the passed level? :param level: passed level (in ["error", "warn", "info", "debug"]) """ levels = ["error", "warn", "info", "debug"] return levels.index(level) <= levels.index(self["log_level"])
[docs] def is_obsolete(self, key: t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) -> bool: """ Is the setting with the passed key obsolete? :param key: key or key path :return: obsolete setting? """ return self.obsoleteness_reason(key) is not None
[docs] def obsoleteness_reason(self, key: t.Union[str, t.List[str]]) -> t.Optional[Obsolete]: """ Returns the obsolete type object for obsolete settings :param key: key or path :return: object that contains information on the obsoleteness or None """ path = key.split("/") if isinstance(key, str) else key tmp_type = self.type_scheme for subkey in path[:-1]: if tmp_type.is_obsolete(subkey): return tmp_type.obsoleteness_reason(subkey) if subkey not in tmp_type: return None if isinstance(tmp_type[subkey], Obsolete): return tmp_type[subkey] tmp_type = tmp_type[subkey] if path[-1] in tmp_type and isinstance(tmp_type[path[-1]], Obsolete): return tmp_type[subkey] return None
[docs] def apply_override_actions(self): """ Applies actions like overriding max_runs with runs """ if self["run/runs"] > -1: self.set("run/max_runs", self["run/runs"], setup=False) self.set("run/min_runs", self["run/runs"], setup=False)