Source code for temci.utils.typecheck

Implements basic type checking for complex types.

Why? Because it's nice to be able to type check complex structures that come directly
from the user (e.g. from YAML config files).

The Type instance are usable with the standard isinstance function::

    isinstance(4, Either(Float(), Int()))

Type instances also support the "&" (producres All(one, two)) and "|" (produces Either(one, two)) operators.
The above sample code can therefore be written as::

    isinstance(4, Float() | Int())

The native type wrappers also support custom constraints. With help of the fn module one can write::

    t = Float(_ > 0) | Int(_ > 10)
    isinstance(var, t)

"t" is a Type that matches only floats greater than 0 and ints greater than 10.

For more examples look into the file.
import textwrap
import typing as t

from temci.utils.util import parse_timespan

__all__ = [



import itertools, os, click, inspect
import yaml

class ConstraintError(ValueError):
    Error that is thrown if a constraint isn't met.

[docs]class Info: """ Information object that is used to produce meaningful type check error messages. """ def __init__(self, value_name: str = None, value = None, _app_str: str = None): """ Creates a new info object. :param value_name: name of the value that is type checked :param value: value that is type checked """ self.value_name = value_name # type: t.Optional[str] """ Name of the value that is typechecked """ self._app_str = _app_str or "" # type: str if value_name is None: self._value_name = "value {{!r}}{}".format(self._app_str) else: self._value_name = "{}{} of value {{!r}}"\ .format(self.value_name.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}"), self._app_str) self.value = None """ Main value that is type checked """ self.has_value = False # type: bool """ Is the value property of this info object set to a meaningful value? """ if value is not None: self.value = value self.has_value = True
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """ Set the main value of this object """ self.value = value self.has_value = True
[docs] def get_value(self) -> t.Any: """ Get the main value of this object. :raises: ValueError if the main value isn't set """ if not self.has_value: raise ValueError("value is not defined") return self.value
[docs] def add_to_name(self, app_str: str) -> 'Info': """ Creates a new info object based on this one with the given appendix to its value representation. It's used to give information about what part of the main value is currently examined. :param app_str: app string appended to the own app string to create the app string for the new info object :return: new info object """ return Info(self.value_name, self.value, self._app_str + app_str)
def _str(self): return self._value_name.format(self.get_value())
[docs] def errormsg(self, constraint: 'Type', value, msg: str = None) -> 'InfoMsg': """ Creates an info message object with the passed expected type and the optional message. :param constraint: passed expected type :param value: value that violates th constraint :param msg: additional message, it should give more information about why the constraint isn't met """ app = ": " + (msg or "") return InfoMsg("{!r} is not of the expected type {} ({}){}".format(value, constraint, self.value, app))
[docs] def errormsg_cond(self, cond: bool, constraint: 'Type', value, msg: str = None) -> 'InfoMsg': """ Creates an info message object with the passed expected type and the optional message. :param cond: if this is false `InfoMsg(True)` is returned. :param constraint: passed expected type :param value: value that violates th constraint :param msg: additional message, it should give more information about why the constraint isn't met """ if cond: return InfoMsg(True) else: return self.errormsg(constraint, value, str(msg))
[docs] def errormsg_key_non_existent(self, constraint: 'Type', key: str) -> 'InfoMsg': """ Creates an info message object with the passed expected type that contains the message that currently examined part of the value is unexpected. :param constraint: passed expected type """ return InfoMsg("Key {!r} does non exist in {!r}".format(key, self.value))
[docs] def errormsg_unexpected(self, key: str) -> 'InfoMsg': """ Creates an info message object with the passed expected type that contains the message that currently examined part of the value has an unexpected key. :param key: the unexpected key """ return InfoMsg("{!r} has unexpected key {!r}".format(self.value, key))
[docs] def wrap(self, result: bool) -> 'InfoMsg': """ Wrap the passed bool into a InfoMsg object. """ return InfoMsg(result)
def __getitem__(self, item): """ This method isn't implemented """ raise NotImplementedError() def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ This method isn't implemented """ raise NotImplementedError()
class NoInfo(Info): """ A dumb version of the information class that is used when meaningful error messages aren't needed. It has better performance characteristics as it doesn't store any values or create strings. """ def __init__(self, value_name: str = None, _app_str: str = None, value=None): if False: super().__init__(value_name, _app_str, value) self.has_value = True def get_value(self) -> None: return None def set_value(self, value): pass def add_to_name(self, app_str: str) -> 'NoInfo': return self def errormsg(self, constraint: 'Type', *args) -> 'InfoMsg': return InfoMsg(False) def errormsg_cond(self, cond: bool, *args) -> 'InfoMsg': return InfoMsg(cond) def errormsg_key_non_existent(self, constraint: 'Type', key: str) -> 'InfoMsg': return InfoMsg(False) def errormsg_unexpected(self, key: str) -> 'InfoMsg': return InfoMsg(False) def wrap(self, result: bool) -> 'InfoMsg': return InfoMsg(result) class InfoMsg: """ Simple message class used by the Info class. """ def __init__(self, msg_or_bool: t.Union[str, bool]): """ Creates an message object. :param msg_or_bool: if the value isn't true than is expected to be unsuccessful """ self.success = msg_or_bool is True # type: bool """ Was the type checking succesfull? """ self.msg = msg_or_bool if isinstance(msg_or_bool, str) else str(self.success) # type: str """ The error message or true if the type checking was successful """ def __str__(self) -> str: return self.msg def __bool__(self) -> bool: return self.success
[docs]class Description: """ A description of a Type, that annotates it. Usage example:: Int() // Description("Description of Int()") """ def __init__(self, description: str): typecheck(description, str) self.description = description """ Description string """ def __str__(self) -> str: return self.description
[docs]class Default: """ A default value annotation for a Type. Usage example:: Int() // Default(3) Especially useful to declare the default value for a key of an dictionary. Allows to use Dict(...).get_default() -> dict. """ def __init__(self, default): self.default = default """ Default value of the annotated type """
YAML_FILE_COMPLETION_HINT = r"_files -g '*\.yaml'" # type: str """ YAML file name completion hint for ZSH """
[docs]class CompletionHint(object): """ A completion hint annotation for a type. Usage example:: Int() // Completion(zsh="_files") """ def __init__(self, **hints): self.hints = hints """ Completion hints for every supported shell """
[docs]class Type(object): """ A simple type checker type class. """ def __init__(self, completion_hints: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = None): """ Creates an instance. :param completion_hints: completion hints for supported shells for this type instance """ self.description = None # type: t.Optional[str] """ Description of this type instance """ self.default = None # type: t.Optional[Default] """ Default value of this type instance """ self.typecheck_default = True # type: bool """ Type check the default value """ self.completion_hints = completion_hints or {} # type: t.Dict[str, t.Any] """ Completion hints for supported shells for this type instance """ def __instancecheck__(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: """ Checks whether or not the passed value has the type specified by this instance. :param value: passed value :param info: info object for creating error messages """ if not info.has_value: info.set_value(value) return self._instancecheck_impl(value, info)
[docs] def check(self, value) -> bool: """ Checks whether or not the passed value has the type specified by this instance. :param value: passed value :param info: info object for creating error messages """ return self.__instancecheck__(value).success
def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info) -> InfoMsg: """ This method should be implemented by all sub classes. It checks whether or not the passed value has the type specified by this type instance. :param value: passed value :param info: info object used to produce (meaningful) error or success messages """ return info.wrap(False) def __str__(self) -> str: return "Type()" def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self) def _validate_types(self, *types: t.Tuple['Type']): """ Checks if all the passed values are instance of the Type class (or a sub class) :param types: passed values :raises: ConstraintError if this isn't the case """ for t in types: if not isinstance(t, Type): raise ConstraintError("{} is not an instance of a Type subclass".format(t)) def __and__(self, other: 'Type') -> 'Type': """ Alias for All(self, other) """ return All(self, other) def __or__(self, other: 'Type') -> 'Type': """ Alias for Either(self, other). The only difference is that it flattens trees of Either instances. """ if isinstance(other, Either): other.types.index(other, 0) return other return Either(self, other) def __floordiv__(self, other: t.Union[str, Description, Default, CompletionHint, 'Constraint', t.Callable[[t.Any], bool]]) -> 'Type': """ Alias for Constraint(other, self). Self mustn't be a Type. If other is a string the description property of this Type object is set. It also can annotate the object with Description, Default or CompletionHint objects. """ if isinstance(other, str) or isinstance(other, Description): self.description = str(other) return self if isinstance(other, Default): self.default = other if self.typecheck_default: typecheck(self.default.default, self) return self if isinstance(other, CompletionHint): for shell in other.hints: self.completion_hints[shell] = other.hints[shell] return self if isinstance(other, Constraint): return Constraint(other.constraint, self, other.description) if isinstance(other, Type): raise ConstraintError("{} mustn't be an instance of a Type subclass".format(other)) return Constraint(other, self) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) == type(self): return self._eq_impl(other) return False def _eq_impl(self, other: 'Type') -> bool: return False
[docs] def get_default(self) -> t.Any: """ Returns the default value of this type :raises: ValueError if the default value isn't set """ if self.default is None: return None #raise ValueError("{} has no default value.".format(self)) return self.default.default
[docs] def has_default(self) -> bool: """ Does this type instance have an default value? """ return self.default is not None
[docs] def get_default_yaml(self, indents: int = 0, indentation: int = 4, str_list: bool = False, defaults=None, comment_out_defaults: bool = False) \ -> t.Union[str, t.List[str]]: """ Produce a YAML like string that contains the default value and the description of this type and its possible sub types. :param indents: number of indents in front of each produced line :param indentation: indentation width in number of white spaces :param str_list: return a list of lines instead of a combined string? :param defaults: default value that should be used instead of the default value of this instance :param comment_out_defaults: comment out default values """ if defaults is None: defaults = self.get_default() else: typecheck(defaults, self) i_str = " " * indents * indentation y_str = yaml.dump(defaults, default_flow_style=None).strip().replace("!!map {}", "{}") if y_str.endswith("\n..."): y_str = y_str[0:-4] strs = list(map(lambda x: i_str + x, y_str.split("\n"))) return strs if str_list else "\n".join(strs)
[docs] def string_representation(self, indents: int = 0, indentation: int = 4, str_list: bool = False, defaults = None) \ -> t.Union[str, t.List[str]]: """ Produce a YAML string that contains the default value (if possible), the description of this type and more and its possible sub types. :param indents: number of indents in front of each produced line :param indentation: indentation width in number of white spaces :param str_list: return a list of lines instead of a combined string? :param defaults: default value that should be used instead of the default value of this instance """ def pad(text: t.Union[str, t.List[str]], offset: int) -> t.Union[str, t.List[str]]: os = " " * (offset * indentation) if isinstance(text, str): return os + "\n".join(pad(text.split("\n"), offset)) return list(map(lambda x: os + x, text)) if defaults is None: if self.has_default(): defaults = self.get_default() default_str = None if defaults: default_str = yaml.dump(defaults, default_flow_style=None).strip().replace("!!map {}", "{}") if default_str.endswith("\n..."): default_str = default_str[0:-4] y_str = str(self) #if self.description: # y_str += "\n" + pad("description: " + pad(self.description, 1), 1) if default_str: y_str += "\n" + pad("default: " + pad(default_str, 0), 1) text = pad(y_str, indents) return text.split("\n") if str_list else text
[docs] def dont_typecheck_default(self) -> 'Type': """ Disable type checking the default value. :return: self """ self.typecheck_default = False return self
[docs]class Exact(Type): """ Checks for value equivalence. """ def __init__(self, exp_value): """ Creates an Exact object. :param exp_value: value to check for """ super().__init__() self.exp_value = exp_value """ Expected value """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: """ Is the value the same as the expected one? """ cond = isinstance(value, type(self.exp_value)) and value == self.exp_value return info.errormsg_cond(cond, self, value) def __str__(self): return "Exact({!r})".format(self.exp_value) def _eq_impl(self, other: 'Exact') -> bool: return other.exp_value == self.exp_value def __or__(self, other) -> t.Union['ExactEither', 'Either']: if isinstance(other, ExactEither): other.exp_values.insert(0, self.exp_value) return other if isinstance(other, Exact): return ExactEither(self.exp_value, other.exp_value) return Either(self, other)
[docs]def E(exp_value) -> Exact: """ Alias for Exact. """ return Exact(exp_value)
[docs]class Either(Type): """ Checks for the value to be of one of several types. """ def __init__(self, *types: tuple): """ Creates an Either instance. :param types: list of types (or SpecialType subclasses) :raises: ConstraintError if some of the contraints aren't (typechecker) Types """ super().__init__() self._validate_types(*types) self.types = list(types) """ Possible types """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: """ Does the type of the value match one of the expected types? """ for type in self.types: res = type.__instancecheck__(value, info) if res: return info.wrap(True) return info.errormsg(self, value) def __str__(self): return "Either({})".format("|".join(str(type) for type in self.types)) def _eq_impl(self, other: 'Either') -> bool: return len(other.types) == len(self.types) \ and all(other.types[i] == self.types[i] for i in range(len(self.types))) def __or__(self, other) -> 'Either': if isinstance(other, Either): self.types += other.types return self return Either(self, other)
[docs]class ExactEither(Type): """ Checks for the value to be of one of several exact values. """ def __init__(self, *exp_values: tuple): """ Creates an ExactEither instance. :param exp_values: list of types (or SpecialType subclasses) :raises: ConstraintError if some of the contraints aren't (typechecker) Types """ super().__init__() self.exp_values = list(exp_values) """ Expected values """ self._update_completion_hints() def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: """ Does the type of the value match one of the expected types? """ if value in self.exp_values: return info.wrap(True) return info.errormsg(self, value) def __str__(self) -> str: return "ExactEither({})".format("|".join(repr(val) for val in self.exp_values)) def _eq_impl(self, other: 'ExactEither') -> bool: return len(other.exp_values) == len(self.exp_values) \ and all(other.exp_values[i] == self.exp_values[i] for i in range(len(self.exp_values))) def __or__(self, other) -> t.Union['ExactEither', Either]: if isinstance(other, ExactEither): self.exp_values += other.exp_values self._update_completion_hints() return self if isinstance(other, Exact): self.exp_values.append(other.exp_value) self._update_completion_hints() return self return Either(self, other) def _update_completion_hints(self): self.completion_hints = { "zsh": "({})".format(" ".join(repr(val) for val in self.exp_values)), "fish": { "hint": self.exp_values } }
class Union(Either): """ Alias for Either. Checks for the value to be of one of several types. """
[docs]class All(Type): """ Checks for the value to be of all of several types. """ def __init__(self, *types: t.Tuple[Type]): """ Creates an All instance. :param types: list of types (or SpecialType subclasses) :raises: ConstraintError if some of the contraints aren't (typechecker) Types """ super().__init__() self._validate_types(*types) self.types = types """ Expected types """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: """ Does the type of the value match all of the expected types? """ for type in self.types: res = type.__instancecheck__(value, info) if not res: return res return info.wrap(True) def __str__(self) -> str: return "All[{}]".format("|".join(str(type) for type in self.types)) def _eq_impl(self, other: 'All') -> bool: return len(other.types) == len(self.types) \ and all(other.types[i] == self.types[i] for i in range(len(self.types)))
[docs]class Any(Type): """ Checks for the value to be of any type. """ def __instancecheck__(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: return info.wrap(True) def __str__(self) -> str: return "Any" def _eq_impl(self, other: 'Any') -> bool: return True
[docs]class T(Type): """ Wrapper around a native type. """ def __init__(self, native_type: type): """ Creates an isntance. :param native_type: wrapped native type """ super().__init__() if not isinstance(native_type, type): raise ConstraintError("{} is not a native type".format(type)) self.native_type = native_type """ Native type that is wrapped """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: """ Does the passed value be an instance of the wrapped native type? """ return info.errormsg_cond(isinstance(value, self.native_type), self, value) def __str__(self) -> str: return "T({})".format(self.native_type) def _eq_impl(self, other: 'T'): return other.native_type == self.native_type
[docs]class Optional(Either): """ Checks the value and checks that its either of native type None or of another Type constraint. Alias for Either(Exact(None), other_type) """ def __init__(self, other_type: Type): """ Creates an Optional instance. :param other_type: type to make optional :raises: ConstraintError if other_type isn't a (typechecker) Types """ super().__init__(Exact(None), other_type) def __str__(self) -> str: return "Optional({})".format(self.types[1])
[docs]class Constraint(Type): """ Checks the passed value by an user defined constraint. """ def __init__(self, constraint: t.Callable[[t.Any], bool], constrained_type: Type = Any(), description: str = None): """ Creates an Constraint instance. :param constraint: function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied :param constrained_type: Type that the constraint is applied on :param description: short description of the constraint (e.g. ">0") :raises: ConstraintError if constrained_type isn't a (typechecker) Types """ super().__init__() self._validate_types(constrained_type) self.constraint = constraint # type: t.Callable[[t.Any], bool] """ Function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied """ self.constrained_type = constrained_type # type: Type """ Type that the constraint is applied on """ self.description = description # type: str """ Short description of the constraint (e.g. ">0") """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: """ Checks the passed value to be of the constrained type and to adhere the user defined constraint. """ res = self.constrained_type.__instancecheck__(value, info) if not res: return res if not self.constraint(value): return info.errormsg(self, value) return info.wrap(True) def __str__(self) -> str: descr = self.description if self.description is None: #if isinstance(self.constraint, type(fn._)): # descr = str(self.constraint) #else: descr = "<function>" return "{}:{}".format(self.constrained_type, descr)
[docs] def string_representation(self, indents: int = 0, indentation: int = 4, str_list: bool = False, defaults = None) -> t.Union[str, t.List[str]]: l = self.constrained_type.string_representation(indents, indentation, str_list=True, defaults=defaults) \ + [" " * indents * indentation + "# with constrain: " + self.description] return l if str_list else "\n".join(l)
[docs]class NonErrorConstraint(Type): """ Checks the passed value by an user defined constraint that fails if it raises an error. """ def __init__(self, constraint: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any], error_cls: type, constrained_type: Type = Any(), description: str = None): """ Creates a new instance :param constraint: function that doesn't raise an error if the user defined constraint is satisfied :param error_cls: class of the errors the constraint method raises :param constrained_type: Type that the constraint is applied on :param description: short description of the constraint (e.g. ">0") :raises: ConstraintError if constrained_type isn't a (typechecker) Types """ super().__init__() self._validate_types(constrained_type) self.constraint = constraint # type: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any] """ Function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied """ self.error_cls = error_cls # type: type """ Class of the errors the constraint method raises """ self.constrained_type = constrained_type # type: Type """ Type that the constraint is applied on """ self.description = description # type: str """ Short description of the constraint (e.g. ">0") """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: """ Checks the passed value to be of the constrained type and to adhere the user defined constraint (that the method doesn't throw the user specified exception). """ res = self.constrained_type.__instancecheck__(value, info) if not res: return res try: self.constraint(value) except self.error_cls as err: return info.errormsg(self, value, msg=str(err)) return info.wrap(True) def __str__(self) -> str: descr = self.description if self.description is None: descr = "<function>" return "{}:{}".format(self.constrained_type, descr)
[docs]class List(Type): """ Checks for the value to be a list with elements of a given type. """ def __init__(self, elem_type: Type = Any()): """ Creates a new instance. :param elem_type: type of the list elements :raises: ConstraintError if elem_type isn't a (typechecker) Types """ super().__init__() self._validate_types(elem_type) self.elem_type = elem_type # type: Type """ Expected type of the list elements """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: if not isinstance(value, list): return info.errormsg(self, value) for (i, elem) in enumerate(value): new_info = info.add_to_name("[{}]".format(i)) res = self.elem_type.__instancecheck__(elem, new_info) if not res: return res return info.wrap(True) def __str__(self) -> str: return "List({})".format(self.elem_type) def _eq_impl(self, other: 'List') -> bool: return other.elem_type == self.elem_type
[docs] def get_default(self) -> t.Any: return self.default.default if super().has_default() else [self.elem_type.get_default()]
[docs] def get_default_yaml(self, indents: int = 0, indentation: int = 4, str_list: bool = False, defaults=None, comment_out_defaults: bool = False) -> t.Union[str, t.List[str]]: if defaults is None: defaults = self.get_default() else: typecheck(defaults, self) ind = " " * indents * indentation ret_strs = [" " * indents * indentation + "[]"] if len(defaults) > 0: l = self.elem_type.get_default_yaml(str_list=True, indentation=indentation, defaults=defaults[0], comment_out_defaults=comment_out_defaults) ret_strs = [ind + " " * (indentation - 3) + " - " + l[0]] + [ind + (" " * indentation) + s for s in l] return ret_strs if str_list else "\n".join(ret_strs)
[docs]class ListOrTuple(Type): """ Checks for the value to be a list or tuple with elements of a given type. """ def __init__(self, elem_type: Type = Any()): """ Creates an instance. :param elem_type: type of the list or tuple elements :raises: ConstraintError if elem_type isn't a (typechecker) Types """ super().__init__() self._validate_types(elem_type) self.elem_type = elem_type # type: Type """ Expected type of the list or tuple elements """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: if not isinstance(value, T(list) | T(tuple)): return info.errormsg(self, value) for (i, elem) in enumerate(list(value)): new_info = info.add_to_name("[{}]".format(i)) res = self.elem_type.__instancecheck__(elem, new_info) if not res: return res return info.wrap(True) def __str__(self) -> str: return "ListOrTuple({})".format(self.elem_type) def _eq_impl(self, other: 'ListOrTuple') -> bool: return other.elem_type == self.elem_type
[docs]class Tuple(Type): """ Checks for the value to be a tuple (or a list) with elements of the given types. """ def __init__(self, *elem_types: t.Tuple[Type]): """ Creates a new instance. :param elem_types: types of each tuple element :raises: ConstraintError if elem_type isn't a (typechecker) Types """ super().__init__() for elem_type in elem_types: self._validate_types(elem_type) self.elem_types = elem_types # type: t.Tuple[Type] """ Expected type of each tuple element """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: if not (isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple)) or len(self.elem_types) != len(value): return info.errormsg(self, value) if len(self.elem_types) == 0: return info.wrap(True) for (i, elem) in enumerate(value): new_info = info.add_to_name("[{}]".format(i)) res = self.elem_types[i].__instancecheck__(elem, new_info) if not res: return res return info.wrap(True) def __str__(self) -> str: return "Tuple({})".format(", ".join(str(t) for t in self.elem_types)) def _eq_impl(self, other: 'Tuple') -> bool: return len(other.elem_types) == len(self.elem_types) and \ all(a == b for (a, b) in itertools.product(self.elem_types, other.elem_types))
class _NonExistentVal(object): """ Helper class for NonExistent Type. """ def __str__(self) -> str: return "<non existent>" def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() _non_existent_val = _NonExistentVal()
[docs]class NonExistent(Type): """ Checks a key of a dictionary for existence if its associated value has this type. """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info) -> InfoMsg: return info.errormsg_cond(type(value) == _NonExistentVal, self, "[value]") def __str__(self) -> str: return "non existent" def _eq_impl(self, other: 'NonExistent') -> bool: return True
[docs]class Dict(Type): """ Checks for the value to be a dictionary with expected keys and values satisfy given type constraints. """ def __init__(self, data: t.Dict[t.Any, Type] = None, unknown_keys: bool = False, key_type: Type = Any(), value_type: Type = Any()): """ Creates a new instance. :param data: dictionary with the expected keys and the expected types of the associated values :param unknown_keys: accept unknown keys in value :param key_type: expected Type of all dictionary keys :param value_type: expected Type of all dictionary values :raises: ConstraintError if one of the given types isn't a (typechecker) Types """ super().__init__() = data or {} # type: t.Dict[t.Any, Type] self._validate_types(* self._validate_types(key_type, value_type) self.unknown_keys = unknown_keys # type: bool """ Fail if value contains unknown keys """ self.key_type = key_type # type: Type """ Expected Type of all dictionary keys """ self.value_type = value_type # type: Type """ Expected Type of all dictionary values """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info = NoInfo()) -> InfoMsg: if not isinstance(value, dict): return info.errormsg(self, value) non_existent_val_num = 0 for key in if self.is_obsolete(key): continue if key in value: res =[key].__instancecheck__(value[key], info.add_to_name("[{!r}]".format(key))) if not res: return res elif not[key].has_default(): is_non_existent =[key].__instancecheck__(_non_existent_val, info.add_to_name("[{!r}]".format(key))) non_existent_val_num += 1 if key not in value and not is_non_existent: return info.errormsg_key_non_existent(self, key) for key in value.keys(): ninfo = info.add_to_name("(key={!r})".format(key)) res = self.key_type.__instancecheck__(key, ninfo) if not res: return res if not self.unknown_keys and key not in return ninfo.errormsg_unexpected(key) for key in value.keys(): if self.is_obsolete(key): continue val = value[key] ninfo = info.add_to_name("[{!r}]".format(key)) res = self.value_type.__instancecheck__(val, ninfo) if not res: return res return info.wrap(True) def __str__(self) -> str: default = ", default = {}".format(self.get_default()) if self.has_default() else "" fmt = "Dict({data}, keys={key_type}, values={value_type}{default})" data_str = ", ".join("{!r}: {}".format(key,[key]) for key in if not self.unknown_keys: fmt = "Dict({{{data}}}, {unknown_keys}, keys={key_type}, values={value_type}{default})" return fmt.format(data=data_str, unknown_keys=self.unknown_keys, key_type=self.key_type, value_type=self.value_type, default=default) def __contains__(self, key) -> bool: return self.is_obsolete(key) or (self.unknown_keys and isinstance(key, self.key_type)) or (key in def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.string_representation() def __getitem__(self, key) -> Type: """ Returns the Type of the key's value. """ if key in return[key] if self.unknown_keys and isinstance(key, self.key_type): return self.value_type return NonExistent() def __setitem__(self, key, value: Type): """ Sets the Type of the keys values. :raises: ValueError if the key or the value have the wrong types (don't match key_type and value_type) """ if (key in and isinstance(value, self.value_type)) or\ (isinstance(key, self.key_type) and isinstance(value, self.value_type)):[key] = value else: raise ValueError("Key or value have wrong types")
[docs] def get_description(self, key: str) -> str: """ Returns the description for the passed key or None if there isn't one. :param key: passed key """ return self[key].description
def _eq_impl(self, other) -> bool: return all(key in and key in and[key] ==[key] and self.get_description(key) == other.get_description(key) for key in itertools.chain(,
[docs] def get_default(self) -> dict: default_dict = {} if self.default is not None: default_dict = self.default.default for key in if key not in default_dict and not self.is_obsolete(key): default_dict[key] = self[key].get_default() return default_dict
[docs] def has_default(self) -> bool: default_dict = {} if self.default is not None: default_dict = self.default.default return all(self[key].has_default() for key in if key not in default_dict and not self.is_obsolete(key))
[docs] def get_default_yaml(self, indents: int = 0, indentation: int = 4, str_list: bool = False, defaults=None, comment_out_defaults: bool = False) \ -> t.Union[str, t.List[str]]: if len( == 0: ret = "{}" return [ret] if str_list else ret if defaults is None: defaults = self.get_default() else: typecheck(defaults, self) strs = [] groups = { "simple": [], "misc": [] } for key in if isinstance([key], Dict): groups["misc"].append(key) else: groups["simple"].append(key) keys = sorted(groups["simple"]) + sorted(groups["misc"]) for i in range(0, len(keys)): key = keys[i] if self.is_obsolete(key): continue strs.append("") if[key].description is not None: strs.extend(self._format_comment([key].description, width=100 - indents * indentation)) key_yaml = yaml.dump(key, default_flow_style=None).split("\n")[0] if len([key].get_default_yaml(str_list=True, defaults=defaults[key], comment_out_defaults=comment_out_defaults)) == 1 and \ (not isinstance([key], Dict) or len([key].data.keys()) == 0): value_yaml =[key].get_default_yaml(defaults=defaults[key], comment_out_defaults=comment_out_defaults) strs.append("{}{}: {}".format("#" if comment_out_defaults else "", key_yaml, value_yaml.strip())) else: value_yaml =[key].get_default_yaml(1, indentation, str_list=True, defaults=defaults[key], comment_out_defaults=comment_out_defaults) strs.append("{}:".format(key_yaml)) strs.extend(value_yaml) i_str = " " * indents * indentation ret_strs = [self._indent_line(i_str, x) for x in strs] return ret_strs if str_list else "\n".join(ret_strs)
@staticmethod def _indent_line(indent: str, line: str) -> str: return indent + line @staticmethod def _format_comment(comment: str, width: int = 80) -> t.Iterable[str]: comment_lines = comment.split("\n") comment_lines = [l for long in comment_lines for l in textwrap.wrap(long, width=width)] return map(lambda x: "# " + x, comment_lines)
[docs] def string_representation(self, indents: int = 0, indentation: int = 4, str_list: bool = False, defaults = None) \ -> t.Union[str, t.List[str]]: """ Produce a YAML string that contains the default value (if possible), the description of this type and more and its possible sub types. :param indents: number of indents in front of each produced line :param indentation: indentation width in number of white spaces :param str_list: return a list of lines instead of a combined string? :param defaults: default value that should be used instead of the default value of this instance """ if len( == 0: return super().string_representation(indents, indentation, str_list, defaults) def pad(text: t.Union[str, t.List[str]], offset: int) -> t.Union[str, t.List[str]]: os = " " * (offset * indentation) if isinstance(text, str): return os + "\n".join(pad(text.split("\n"), offset)) return list(map(lambda x: os + x, text)) if defaults is None: if self.has_default(): defaults = self.get_default() strs = [] groups = { "simple": [], "misc": [] } for key in if isinstance([key], Dict): groups["misc"].append(key) else: groups["simple"].append(key) keys = sorted(groups["simple"]) + sorted(groups["misc"]) for i in range(0, len(keys)): key = keys[i] if self.is_obsolete(key): continue strs.append("") if[key].description is not None: strs.extend(self._format_comment([key].description, width=100 - indents * indentation)) key_yaml = yaml.dump(key, default_flow_style=None).split("\n")[0] default = defaults[key] if defaults and key in defaults else None if len([key].string_representation(str_list=True, defaults=default)) == 1 and \ (not isinstance([key], Dict) or len([key].data.keys()) == 0): value_yaml =[key].string_representation(1, indentation, str_list=False, defaults=default) strs.append("{}: {}".format(key_yaml, value_yaml)) else: value_yaml =[key].string_representation(1, indentation, str_list=True, defaults=default) strs.append("{}: {}".format(key_yaml, value_yaml[0])) if len(value_yaml) > 1: strs.extend(value_yaml[1:]) strs = pad(strs, indents) return strs if str_list else "\n".join(strs)
[docs] def is_obsolete(self, key: str) -> bool: """ Is the type that belongs to the key Obsolete? :param key: dict key :return: obsolete? """ return self.obsoleteness_reason(key) is not None
[docs] def obsoleteness_reason(self, key: str) -> t.Optional['Obsolete']: """ Return the obsoleteness reason (the Obsolete type object) if the key is obsolete :param key: dict key :return: Obsolete object or none """ t = self[key] if key in else self.value_type if isinstance(t, Obsolete): return t return None
class Obsolete(Any): """ Marks a value as obsolete """ def __init__(self, reason: str, version: str): """ :param reason: reason for the entry being obsolete, e.g. "Removed builder" :param version: version of temci that the entry became obsolete """ super().__init__() self.reason = reason self.version = version def __str__(self): return "{} (temci {})".format(self.reason, self.version) def _eq_impl(self, other: 'Obsolete') -> bool: return True
[docs]class Int(Type): """ Checks for the value to be of type int and to adhere to some constraints. """ def __init__(self, constraint: t.Callable[[t.Any], bool] = None, range: range = None, description: str = None): """ Creates an instance. :param constraint: function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied :param range: range (or list) that the value has to be part of :param description: description of the constraints """ super().__init__() self.constraint = constraint # type: t.Optional[t.Callable[[t.Any], bool]] """ Function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied """ self.range = range # type: range """ Range (or list) that the value has to be part of """ self.description = description # type: str """ Description of the constraints """ if range is not None and len(range) <= 20: self.completion_hints = { "zsh": "({})".format(" ".join(str(x) for x in range)), "fish": { "hint": list(self.range) } } # type: t.Dict[str, t.Any] """ Completion hints for supported shells for this type instance """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info) -> InfoMsg: if not isinstance(value, int) or (self.constraint is not None and not self.constraint(value)) \ or (self.range is not None and value not in self.range): return info.errormsg(self, value) return info.wrap(True) def __str__(self) -> str: arr = [] if self.constraint is not None: descr = "<function>" arr.append("constraint={}".format(descr)) if self.range is not None: arr.append("range={}".format(self.range)) return "Int({})".format(",".join(arr)) def _eq_impl(self, other: 'Int') -> bool: return other.constraint == self.constraint and other.range == self.range
[docs]class StrList(Type, click.ParamType): """ A comma separated string list which contains elements from a fixed set of allowed values. """ name = "comma_sep_str_list" # type: str """ click.ParamType name, that makes this class usable as a click type """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.allowed_values = None # type: t.Optional[t.List[str]] """ Possible values that can appear in the string list, if None all values are allowed. """ def __or__(self, other) -> t.Union[Either, 'StrList']: if isinstance(other, Exact) and isinstance(other.exp_value, Str()): if self.allowed_values is None: self.allowed_values = [other.exp_value] else: self.allowed_values.append(other.exp_value) return self return super().__or__(other) def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info) -> InfoMsg: res = List(Str()).__instancecheck__(value, info) if not res: return info.errormsg(self, "Not a list of strings", value) if self.allowed_values is None or all(val in self.allowed_values for val in value): return info.wrap(True) return info.errormsg(self, "Does contain invalid elements", value)
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx: click.Context) -> t.List[str]: """ Convert method that makes this class usable as a click type. """ if isinstance(value, self): return value elif isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) return value.split(",")"{} is no valid comma separated string list".format(value), param, ctx)
def __str__(self) -> str: if self.allowed_values is None: return "StrList()" else: return "StrList(allowed={})".format(repr(self.allowed_values))
[docs] def get_default_yaml(self, indents: int = 0, indentation: int = 4, str_list: bool = False, defaults=None, comment_out_defaults: bool = False) -> str: if defaults is None: defaults = self.get_default() else: typecheck(defaults, self) i_str = " " * indents * indentation ret_str = i_str + "[{}]".format(", ".join(defaults)) return [ret_str] if str_list else ret_str
def _eq_impl(self, other: 'StrList') -> bool: return self.allowed_values == other.allowed_values
[docs]class Str(Type): """ Checks for the value to be a string an optionally meet some constraints. """ def __init__(self, constraint: t.Callable[[t.Any], bool] = None): """ Creates an instance. :param constraint: function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied """ super().__init__() self.constraint = constraint # type: t.Optional[t.Callable[[t.Any], bool]] """ Function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info) -> InfoMsg: if not isinstance(value, str): return info.errormsg(self, value) if self.constraint is not None and not self.constraint(value): return info.errormsg(self, value) return info.wrap(True) def __str__(self) -> str: if self.constraint is not None: return "Str({})".format(repr(self.constraint)) else: return "Str()" def _eq_impl(self, other: 'Str') -> bool: return self.constraint == other.constraint
[docs]class FileName(Str): """ A valid file name. If the file doesn't exist, at least the parent directory must exist and the file must be creatable. """ def __init__(self, constraint: t.Callable[[t.Any], bool] = None, allow_std: bool = False, allow_non_existent: bool = True): """ Creates an instance. :param constraint: function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied :param allow_std: allow '-' as standard out or in :param allow_non_existent: allow files that don't exist """ super().__init__() self.constraint = constraint # type: t.Optional[t.Callable[[t.Any], bool]] """ Function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied """ self.completion_hints = { "zsh": "_files", "fish": { "files": True } } # type: t.Dict[str, t.Any] """ Completion hints for supported shells for this type instance """ self.allow_std = allow_std # type: bool """ Allow '-' as standard out or in """ self.allow_non_existent = allow_non_existent # type: bool """ Allow files that don't exist """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info) -> InfoMsg: if not isinstance(value, str) or value == "": return info.errormsg(self, value) value = os.path.expanduser(value) if self.allow_std and value == "-" and (self.constraint is None or self.constraint(value)): return info.wrap(True) is_valid = True if os.path.exists(value): if os.path.isfile(value) and os.access(os.path.abspath(value), os.W_OK)\ and (self.constraint is None or self.constraint(value)): return info.wrap(True) return info.errormsg(self, value) if not self.allow_non_existent: return info.errormsg(self, "File doesn't exist") abs_name = os.path.abspath(value) dir_name = os.path.dirname(abs_name) if os.path.exists(dir_name) and os.access(dir_name, os.EX_OK) and os.access(dir_name, os.W_OK) \ and (self.constraint is None or self.constraint(value)): return info.wrap(True) return info.errormsg(self, value) def __str__(self) -> str: if self.constraint is not None: return "FileName({}, allow_std={})".format(repr(self.constraint), self.allow_std) else: return "FileName(allow_std={})".format(self.allow_std) def _eq_impl(self, other: 'FileName') -> bool: return self.constraint == other.constraint and self.allow_std == other.allow_std \ and self.allow_non_existent == other.allow_non_existent
[docs]class ValidYamlFileName(Str): """ A valid file name that refers to a valid YAML file. """ def __init__(self, allow_non_existent: bool = False): """ Create an instance. :param allow_non_existent: allow files that don't exist """ super().__init__() self.completion_hints = { "zsh": "_files", "fish": { "files": True } } # type: t.Dict[str, t.Any] """ Completion hints for supported shells for this type instance """ self.allow_non_existent = allow_non_existent # type: bool """ Allow files that don't exist """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info) -> InfoMsg: if not isinstance(value, str): return info.errormsg(self, "isn't a string") if not os.path.exists(value): if not self.allow_non_existent or not isinstance(value, FileName()): return info.errormsg(self, "doesn't exist or hasn't an accessible parent directory") return info.wrap(True) if not os.path.isfile(value): return info.errormsg(self, "isn't a file") try: with open(value, "r") as f: yaml.safe_load(f) except (IOError, Exception) as ex: return info.errormsg(self, "YAML parse error: " + str(ex)) return info.wrap(True) def __str__(self) -> str: return "ValidYamlFileName()" def _eq_impl(self, other: 'ValidYamlFileName') -> bool: return self.allow_non_existent == other.allow_non_existent
[docs]class DirName(Str): """ A valid directory name. If the directory doesn't exist, at least the parent directory must exist. """ def __init__(self, constraint: t.Callable[[t.Any], bool] = None): """ Creates an instance. :param constraint: function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied """ super().__init__() self.constraint = constraint # type: t.Optional[t.Callable[[t.Any], bool]] """ Function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied """ self.completion_hints = { "zsh": "_directories", "fish": { "files": True } } # type: t.Dict[str, t.Any] """ Completion hints for supported shells for this type instance """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info) -> InfoMsg: if not isinstance(value, str): return info.errormsg(self, value) is_valid = True if os.path.exists(value): if os.path.isdir(value) and os.access(os.path.abspath(value), os.W_OK)\ and (self.constraint is None or self.constraint(value)): return info.wrap(True) return info.errormsg(self, value) abs_name = os.path.abspath(value) dir_name = os.path.dirname(abs_name) if os.path.exists(dir_name) and os.access(dir_name, os.EX_OK) and os.access(dir_name, os.W_OK) \ and (self.constraint is None or self.constraint(value)): return info.wrap(True) return info.errormsg(self, value) def __str__(self) -> str: if self.constraint is not None: return "DirName({})".format(repr(self.constraint)) else: return "DirName()" def _eq_impl(self, other: 'DirName') -> bool: return self.constraint == other.constraint
[docs]class BoolOrNone(Type, click.ParamType): """ Like Bool but with a third value none that declares that the value no boolean value. It has None as its default value (by default). """ name = "bool_or_none" # type: str """ click.ParamType name, that makes this class usable as a click type """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.completion_hints = { "zsh": "(true, false, none)", "fish": { "hint": ["true", "false", "none"] } } # type: t.Dict[str, t.Any] """ Completion hints for supported shells for this type instance """ self.default = None # type: None """ The default value of this instance """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info) -> InfoMsg: res = ExactEither(True, False, None).__instancecheck__(value, info) return info.errormsg_cond(bool(res), self, str(res))
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx: click.Context) -> t.Optional[bool]: """ Convert method that makes this class usable as a click type. """ if isinstance(value, self): return value elif isinstance(value, str): value = value.lower() if value == "true" : return True elif value == "false": return False elif value == "none": return None"{} is no valid bool or 'none'".format(value), param, ctx)
def __str__(self) -> str: return "BoolOrNone()" def _eq_impl(self, other: 'BoolOrNone') -> bool: return True
[docs]class Bool(Type, click.ParamType): """ Like Bool but with a third value none that declares that the value no boolean value. It has None as its default value (by default). """ name = "bool" # type: str """ click.ParamType name, that makes this class usable as a click type """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.completion_hints = { "zsh": "(true, false)", "fish": { "hint": ["true", "false"] } } # type: t.Dict[str, t.Any] """ Completion hints for supported shells for this type instance """ def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info) -> InfoMsg: res = ExactEither(True, False).__instancecheck__(value, info) return info.errormsg_cond(bool(res), self, str(res)) def __str__(self) -> str: return "Bool()" def _eq_impl(self, other: 'Bool') -> bool: return True
[docs]class ValidTimeSpan(Type, click.ParamType): """ A string that is parseable as timespan by pytimeparse. E.g. "32m" or "2h 32m". """ name = "valid_timespan" # type: str """ click.ParamType name, that makes this class usable as a click type """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info) -> InfoMsg: res = Str().__instancecheck__(value, info) wrong = not bool(res) or parse_timespan(value) == None if wrong: return info.errormsg(self, value) return info.wrap(True)
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx: click.Context) -> int: """ Convert method that makes this class usable as a click type. """ if isinstance(value, self): return value"{} is no valid time span".format(value), param, ctx)
def __str__(self) -> str: return "ValidTimespan()" def _eq_impl(self, other: 'ValidTimeSpan') -> bool: return True
[docs]def NaturalNumber(constraint: t.Callable[[t.Any], bool] = None) -> Int: """ Matches all natural numbers (ints >= 0) that satisfy the optional user defined constrained. :param constraint: function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied """ if constraint is not None: return Int(lambda x: x >= 0 and constraint(x)) return Int(lambda x: x >= 0)
[docs]def PositiveInt(constraint: t.Callable[[t.Any], bool] = None) -> Int: """ Matches all positive integers that satisfy the optional user defined constrained. :param constraint: function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied """ if constraint is not None: return Int(lambda x: x > 0 and constraint(x)) return Int(lambda x: x > 0)
[docs]def Float(constraint: t.Callable[[t.Any], bool] = None) -> t.Union[T, Constraint]: """ Alias for Constraint(constraint, T(float)) or T(float) :param constraint: function that returns True if the user defined constraint is satisfied """ if constraint is not None: return Constraint(constraint, T(float)) return T(float)
[docs]def FileNameOrStdOut() -> FileName: """ A valid file name or "-" for standard out. """ return FileName(allow_std=True)
[docs]def verbose_isinstance(value, type: t.Union[Type, type], value_name: str = None) -> InfoMsg: """ Verbose version of isinstance that returns a InfoMsg object. :param value: value to check :param type: type or Type to check for :param value_name: name of the passed value (improves the error message) """ if not isinstance(type, Type): type = T(type) if not isinstance(value, type): return type.__instancecheck__(value, Info(value_name)) return InfoMsg(True)
[docs]def typecheck(value, type: t.Union[Type, type], value_name: str = None): """ Like verbose_isinstance but raises an error if the value hasn't the expected type. :param value: passed value :param type: expected type of the value :param value_name: optional description of the value :raises: TypeError """ if not bool(isinstance(value, type)): ret = verbose_isinstance(value, type, value_name) if not ret: raise TypeError(str(ret))
[docs]def typecheck_locals(locals: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = None, **variables: t.Dict[str, t.Union[Type, type]]): """ Like typecheck but checks several variables for their associated expected type. The advantage against typecheck is that it sets the value descriptions properly. Example usage:: def func(a: str, b: int): typecheck_locals(locals(), a=Str(), b=Int()) :param locals: directory to get the variable values from :param variables: variable names with their associated expected types :raises: TypeError """ if locals is None: locals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals else: typecheck(locals, Dict(unknown_keys=True, key_type=Str())) for var in variables: typecheck(locals[var], variables[var], value_name=var)
#class Callable(Type): # """ # Checks for the value to be a callable or function. # WOrks only with simple types. # """ # # def __init__(self, arg_types: t.List[Type] = None, ret_type: Type = None): # super().__init__() # if arg_types: # self._validate_types(*arg_types) # if ret_type: # self._validate_types(ret_type) # self.arg_types = arg_types # self.ret_type = ret_type # # def _instancecheck_impl(self, value, info: Info): # if type(value).__name__ != "function": # return info.errormsg(self) # # def check_type(key: str, expected_type: Type) -> InfoMsg: # if key not in value.__annotations__: # return info.errormsg(self, "No type annotation for {!r}".format(key)) # actual = typing_to_typecheck_type(value.__annotations__[key]) # if actual != expected_type: # return info.errormsg(self, "Expected type {}, but got {} for {!r}".format(expected_type, actual, key)) # if self.ret_type: # ret = check_type("return", self.ret_type) # if not ret: # return ret # if self.arg_types: # if len(self.arg_types) != len() # # #def typing_to_typecheck_type(t_type: t.Union[t.List[t.Any], t.Any]) -> t.Union[Type, t.Iterable[Type]]: # if isinstance(t_type, list): # return [typing_to_typecheck_type(sub) for sub in t_type] # if isinstance(t_type, t.AnyMeta): # return Any() # elif isinstance(t_type, t.UnionMeta): # return Union(*typing_to_typecheck_type(*t_type.__union_params__)) # elif isinstance(t_type, t.TupleMeta): # return Tuple(*typing_to_typecheck_type(*t_type.__tuple_params__)) # elif isinstance(t_type, t.CallableMeta): # return Callable(typing_to_typecheck_type(t_type.__args__), # typing_to_typecheck_type(t_type.__result__)) # else: # return T(t_type) # #if __name__ == "__main__": # typecheck(None, typing_to_typecheck_type(t.Optional[int])) """ # Hack: Implement a typed() decorator for runtime type testing class typed(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): print(args, kwargs) def __call__(self, f): def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs): print(args, kwargs) print("dsf") f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped_f @typed(3) def func(a, b, c, d = 4, *ds): return "abc" func(55) exit() """