temci.build package


temci.build.build_processor module

class temci.build.build_processor.BuildProcessor(build_blocks: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Build programs

A block in the configuration has the following format:

# Optional attributes that describe the block
    description:         Optional(Str())

    # Tags of this block
    tags:         ListOrTuple(Str())

# Build configuration for this program block
    # Base directory that contains everything to build an run the program
    base_dir:         Either(DirName()|non existent)
                default: .

    # Used version control system branch (default is the current branch)
    branch:         Either(Str()|non existent)

    # Command to build this program block, might randomize it
    cmd:         Str()

    # Number of times to build this program
    number:         Either(Int(constraint=<function>)|non existent)
                default: 1

    # Used version control system revision of the program (-1 is the current revision)
    revision:         Either(Either(Str()|Int())|non existent)
                default: -1

    # Working directory in which the build command is run
    working_dir:         Either(DirName()|non existent)
                default: .

# Run configuration for this program block
run_config:         Dict(, keys=Any, values=Any, default = {})

Creates a build processor for the passed build block configurations.


build_blocks – passed build block configurations

block_scheme = # Optional attributes that describe the block attributes:          description:         Optional(Str())          # Tags of this block     tags:         ListOrTuple(Str())  # Build configuration for this program block build_config:          # Base directory that contains everything to build an run the program     base_dir:         Either(DirName()|non existent)                 default: .          # Used version control system branch (default is the current branch)     branch:         Either(Str()|non existent)          # Command to build this program block, might randomize it     cmd:         Str()          # Number of times to build this program     number:         Either(Int(constraint=<function>)|non existent)                 default: 1          # Used version control system revision of the program (-1 is the current revision)     revision:         Either(Either(Str()|Int())|non existent)                 default: -1          # Working directory in which the build command is run     working_dir:         Either(DirName()|non existent)                 default: .  # Run configuration for this program block run_config:         Dict(, keys=Any, values=Any, default = {})

Type scheme of the program block configurations


Build the configured programs.


Temporary directory in which the building takes place

classmethod preprocess_build_blocks(blocks: List[Dict[str, Any]]) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]

Pre process and check build blocks


pre processed copy

classmethod store_example_config(file: str, comment_out_defaults: bool = False)[source]

temci.build.builder module

exception temci.build.builder.BuildError(thread: int, item: BuilderQueueItem, error: RecordedError)[source]

Bases: Exception

class temci.build.builder.Builder(id: int, build_dir: str, build_cmd: str, revision: Union[str, int], number: int, base_dir: str, branch: str)[source]

Bases: object

Allows the building of a program configured by a program block configuration.

Creates a new builder for a program block.

  • build_dir – working directory in which the build command is run

  • build_cmd – command to build this program block

  • revision – used version control systemrand revision of the program (-1 is the current revision)

  • number – number of times to build this program

  • base_dir – base directory that contains everything to build an run the program

  • branch – used version control system branch

build(thread_count: Optional[int] = None) List[str][source]

Build the program block in parallel with at maximum thread_count threads in parallel.


thread_count – number of threads to use at maximum to build the configured number of time, defaults to build/threads


list of base directories for the different builds


Command to build this program block


Working directory in which the build command is run


Number of times to build this program


Used version control system revision of the program


Used version control system driver

exception temci.build.builder.BuilderKeyboardInterrupt(error: BaseException, result: List[str])[source]

Bases: KeyboardInterrupt

KeyboardInterrupt that wraps an error that occurred during the building of a program block


Wrapped error


Base directories of the succesfull builds

class temci.build.builder.BuilderQueueItem(id, number, tmp_build_dir, tmp_dir, build_cmd)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of BuilderQueueItem(id, number, tmp_build_dir, tmp_dir, build_cmd)

property build_cmd

Alias for field number 4

property id

Alias for field number 0

property number

Alias for field number 1

property tmp_build_dir

Alias for field number 2

property tmp_dir

Alias for field number 3

class temci.build.builder.BuilderThread(id: int, submit_queue: Queue)[source]

Bases: Thread

Thread that fetches configurations from a queue and builds the therein described program blocks.

Creates a new builder thread

  • id – id of the thread

  • submit_queue – used queue


Id of this thread


Queue fetch loop, that builds the fetched program block configurations.


Stop the queue fetch loop?


Used queue

Module contents

This module contains the build part of temci (usable from the command line with temci build).

It’s separated into four parts with the following purposes:

  • build_processor.py: facade for the the builders

  • builder.py: Build programs